Sunday, September 26, 2010

A week old and the story....

Oh me! Here it is and Sidney is a week old and I'm just getting around to be able to actually post about her. Wow, four babies is so much different that three :) We are a busy busy family right now. But in a wonderful way. I am blessed to have the "problem" of trying to juggle four small ones. It never fails there is always something interesting about the way all of the babies decide to come into the world. Here is Sidney's story so I don't forget anything.

I was so done :) It was Tuesday morning and I was 39 weeks and three days. I was sure I would be pregnant forever. It was a crazy morning because Callie had her 15 month Dr's apt that day and silly me had made her apt three months earlier for 8:50am. I have no idea why in the world I would make it that early but I did. Needless to say it was a bit crazy trying to get everyone up and out of the house. It did cross my mind to pack a bag for the kids just in case I needed it but ran out of time. So there we were, all four of us at the Dr. At the desk I was joking around with the nurse about how I was due Friday and we could just have the baby right now and I would be just fine with that. hahaha

Anyway we got back to the room, the nurse did her thing and then our Dr came in. I was standing there with Callie in my arms. Dr was asking me about her, all that stuff. Then all of a sudden I felt a gush... ummmmm right "did I just pee my pants" was my very first though. Surely not was my next. I kinda didn't know what to do then it happened again. "um I think maybe my water just broke" is all I could say. lol Our Dr. took Callie so that I could run to the bathroom. I had to make sure. And of course by then I figured that is what happened. So I went back in. We decided to finish Callie's apt because I couldn't go anywhere anyway. Kyle was in Indiana and my mother in law's car battery was dead. Sooo, got Callie all squared away and then I had to wait for someone to come pick me up and be with the kids. They were all so sweet and put us in a room with a movie for the kids to watch while we waited.

Shortly Lovie and Kyle got there and off we went to the hospital. It was the first time we had been to the hospital to have a baby during the day. It's always been in the middle of the night or later so it was weird walking up mid morning. Got there and got into our room. By now my contractions had started. They were not horrible but not wonderful either. I was actually very happy that they started since my water had already broken. The early laboring wasn't too bad. The only bad part was that I was sitting in a huge puddle the entire time lol sorry for those of you that think that is TMO but it was not pleasant. lol

Anyway I had THE BEST L&D nurse ever, really really loved her. She was wonderful! But then they decided to start pitocen since I had not progressed very fast and I was on a "time limit" since my water broke. Anyway they got really really bad after that. And being that I was stuck in bed I could not deal with them very well, at all. So ten hours in I was done. I was done being in so much pain, I was done just sitting there crying through my contractions, and I was done not having a baby yet. So... I sent for my epidural. Oh my it was wonderful!! I have never like getting it but once it was effective it was wonderful wonderful wonderful!!!!!!! And it was by far the best I have ever had. I could move my legs the entire time. I pushed great and all but no pain. That is what I'm talking about :)

So two hours after my epidural she checked my and I was complete! I love it when they say you are there! So they called my Dr. and as soon as she got there we got to work.Which wasn't really work because I pushed twice and she came out :) And I have to say again, no matter how many littles you have it NEVER gets old. It never becomes ordinary seeing your precious baby enter the world and meeting her for the first time. It is an amazing miracle. And she was just perfect. All 8lbs 10oz of her. She was so sweet, I couldn't have ask for a more wonderful night!! We still can't believe she was not born until 9:39pm. Sheesh!


katy said...

Ah, I have been waiting for your story! So glad you posted it. :) I didn't know that your water broke first thing, that is crazy! Sidney is such a cutie, I hope that things are going well for you all!