Wednesday, December 22, 2010

3 months old!

Oh my sweet girl how did you become three months already!?

This little bug is just precious! So sweet and mild tempered :) Sleeps great, hardly cried, and loves to be loved on. Such a cuddle bug! Love you my baby girl!

Monday, December 13, 2010

My precious babies...

So it's time for baby updates! It's been a while.... and I have energy. Want to know why????? Hmmm maybe I made a very very bad decision to drink a coke and a Mountain Dew at hmmm 9pm!! Yes, not a very responsible decision but boy have a gotten a lot done :) here it goes...
My adorable Lily Grace is doing wonderful :) She has welcomed her new sister with loving arms. She is SUCH a loving big sister. Such a little mama. She is the most affectionate little thing. Always wanting to be kissed, hugged, anything. Touch is def. her love language I think. She is everything girl. Loves princesses, dresses, pretty things, animals, and loving. She will twirl around in dresses and say "beautiful" and "I'm a princess" :) ah she just melts my heart. She is Henry's side kick. He is her best friend and worse enemy ! She will fight Lek crazy with him but if he isn't here she frets until he comes back. I love their relationship!!
She is quite the "non sharing" one so we are working on that :) Lily also is a major tender heart. Oh my one cross look will send her into tears. Which is good because sometimes she needs a cross look, or 20 :)
I love my girl to pieces!

Her hair was like this forever!! Crazy city. Now it is actually long and heavy enough that it is laying down, kinda sad.

Hilarious! Henry looks like Jim Cary!

Sidney Clair! Oh my oh my she is the sweetest baby. I know I say that all the time, but it is really the truth. She has such a laid back temperment. Is happy or sleeping the majority of the time. She is a chunky monkey too! She was almost 13lbs at 2 months! She just started really smiling a lot and has giggled out loud a lot in the last few days. It is sooo cute! Still not really taking a bottle, we are working on that! Sleeping between 8 and 12 hours at night! (good girl) Trying to take control back since although she loves her bed at night and goes to bed no problem, she will not nap in it! :( So sometime in the near future we are going to tackle that one.... but not right now :) I have a feeling this one will be Lily's Callie. See Callie adores Henry. He is her real big brother. Henry and Lily are so close they are more like equals than anything. But Callie and Henry have a true big brother little sister relationship. I think Sidney will be Lily's true little sister and Callie is more like her equal too :) It's so fun to see their relationships develop!

Callie, oh boy! We are in big trouble with this one :) haha she is a MESS! And I love her dearly. She is into everything! And busy busy busy. She's been walking since about 11 months and has been nonstop since. She adores her brother and is become best friends with Lily. Lily and Callie take baths together and Lily will say "she is my friend" and Callie will kiss her head :)
She is finally starting to talk a lot. It took some time! But she really likes it now. She is also SUPER AFFECTIONATE, and loves hugs and kisses and then to get down :) She is super sweet. And super sweet to just about anyone. Lily is sweet but she has to know you or you get a "Lily look" :) But this one will walk up to anyone to be picked up. Kinda scary actually! Oh and she is goofy goofy and will eat anything and everything. This one hasn't really said no to any food at all. The other day she was eating spinach artichoke dip with a spoon :)

And then there is my darling Henry :) Oh my he is a doll. Love him! Talk about a sweet fella. He really is growing way to fast. He will be 4 on New Years Eve and I can not believe it. He is such a big guy and it makes me sad that I can't really even carry him for a long time. He is close to 50lbs! He says the funniest things and makes me laugh all day long. He hates to see people cry and is super sensitive to those things. He is the best big brother and is constantly on the watch out for his little sisters. She loves the baby and wants to hold her all the time. When one of the girls is crying he will sing to them... so cute! He likes to be a big help and wants me to give him "chors" all the time. And he is a talker, will talk your ear off !!

These babies are so special! Thank you God for blessing me with your children!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I could write a longgggggggggggggggggggggg entry about the things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday. There are just so many and I truly could burst into tears at the thought of each one of them. Oh how blessed I am! But there is one this this season that has really stuck out for me. Oh I've known it for a long time but for some reason, it has really meant a lot to me this year.
I am beyond thankful for Jesus.
I'm not sure if I'm just in a season in my relationship with Him where our relationship is very real. Or if I depend on Him so much right now that I am seeing Him in everything. But I am. I am so thankful that this life is not it. Life brings me so much joy right now, the fact that what is to come is a million times better boggles my mind.
As a mom I also see so much of the devil too. The evil that is in this world that that in itself is enough to drive a mother out of her mind. But the reality that Jesus is here, and is in control bring such peace to me. He has already won! There is no uncertainty there is no anxiety when it comes to the end. And that my friends is worth the world to me.
This was part of our sermon last week but it has stuck with me everyday since I heard it. My whole life I have been "picked" on for being naive. Christians are pigeon holed as being naive, in denial, not living in reality, etc etc. If you have true joy, peace with the things this life brings you, by many, you are considered these things.
Our paster was called a year ago to the hospital because a couple in the church went in to deliver their baby, and ended up delivering a stillborn baby. He came by to pray with the family and show support. He said that it was overwhelming being in that room with a sweet family holding their deceased baby. As he prayed for them there were cries and sobs as one could expect. But then, one of the aunts started singing "How great is our God" and the entire room sang the song. When he left, the nurses outside were listening to everything. And you could tell on their faces that they were very confused and had the "they are in denial" look. But you see, these people were not in denial. They were heartbroken, they were hurt but they had hope. Hope that surpasses our normal understanding of the word. They knew the end. They knew that God was in control and that it was not over.
There was a study done and one group was told that they were going to be shocked every 2 minutes for an hour. The other group was told they would be shocked but not when or what to expect. Their vitals were recorded. The first group, even though they were shocked an upward of 20 times in that hour, they were pretty relaxed. The second group however had major anxiety, worry, stress, etc. The difference was the first group knew what to expect the second group had no idea what was going to happen. Just knowing, just having that knowledge allowed the first group to spend that next hour much better off.
I am beyond thankful that Jesus, in Gods infinite mercy, gave His life for us. So that we would know the end. So that we could live this life with a peace and joy that surpasses our understanding. He has won and we are His!!!

First hospital visit.....

I took Sidney to her two month well baby apt on Monday. My big girl is 12lbs! And really long :) She is growing great! But when the Dr was checking out her hips she heard a clicking in her right hip. Had never heard that with any of the other babies. So she said we needed to go to the hospital and get her hip xrayd. :( That it could be a sign of hip displaysia. Needless to say we were a little worried. It would have been totally fixable... but who wants to see their sweet baby in a hip, leg brace for six months!? So off we went the next morning to the new children's hospital. It was wonderful! The building was nice but the staff was great! Our little Sidney did fantastic!!! She laid there and let the tech take perfect pictures of her hip joins and did so much as whimper as she was pushing her legs all around. Afterwards, when the tech took the photos to the Dr. Sidney laid up in her bed and watched Nemo that they had put on for her :) All the nurses on the floor had to come in and look at her and just fussed over her. When they all came into the room she started smiling and talking to them lol Waving her arms and kicking her legs. Needless to say I think she enjoyed the attention.;)
Praise the Lord her photos look normal!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


So I have really know that something needed to change with our mornings. I usually sleep as late as I can until one or two little ones wake me up. I get them up not with a spirit of excitement to see them, but with "how could you bother me a wake me up" attitude. There is nothing worse. I feel like the day was taking on me instead of me taking on the day. What do I need to do? Sadly I know what I need to do. But I'm really not looking forward to it. I need to get up at 6am, before anyone else. I need to have my time with God, pray, get ready for the day, make some coffee for Kyle and I and then be able to greet my children with a spirit of warmth instead of reacting to them interrupting my sleep. Goodness this is going to be terrible, because I am not so good at getting myself out of bed until I must. Once I'm up I'm so glad to be and my day goes so much better. But actually getting my hiney out of bed, not so much. But this is my new goal. Because I want something different for my family. I want our mornings to be sweet, not rushed, and not stressful. I want my children to feel loved and treasured. Not a nuisance. Here goes nothing!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Wow I have been totally MIA! Seven weeks have flown by and I have just had my hands full and not had much energy to blog when I finally have a moment. So much has happened! There is no way I can update all of it so here is a quick overview so that I can get back on it!
Sidney has been a wonderful baby. She is usually very content and is sleeping like a champ. She will be 8 weeks on tuesday which is crazy. She is getting sooo big :)
We are having a great fall and the weather is finally very nice!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

September 21st pt one

Friday, October 1, 2010

Sweet Angel......

Oh my she is the sweetest baby ever! I'm pretty smitten with this wee girl :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A week old and the story....

Oh me! Here it is and Sidney is a week old and I'm just getting around to be able to actually post about her. Wow, four babies is so much different that three :) We are a busy busy family right now. But in a wonderful way. I am blessed to have the "problem" of trying to juggle four small ones. It never fails there is always something interesting about the way all of the babies decide to come into the world. Here is Sidney's story so I don't forget anything.

I was so done :) It was Tuesday morning and I was 39 weeks and three days. I was sure I would be pregnant forever. It was a crazy morning because Callie had her 15 month Dr's apt that day and silly me had made her apt three months earlier for 8:50am. I have no idea why in the world I would make it that early but I did. Needless to say it was a bit crazy trying to get everyone up and out of the house. It did cross my mind to pack a bag for the kids just in case I needed it but ran out of time. So there we were, all four of us at the Dr. At the desk I was joking around with the nurse about how I was due Friday and we could just have the baby right now and I would be just fine with that. hahaha

Anyway we got back to the room, the nurse did her thing and then our Dr came in. I was standing there with Callie in my arms. Dr was asking me about her, all that stuff. Then all of a sudden I felt a gush... ummmmm right "did I just pee my pants" was my very first though. Surely not was my next. I kinda didn't know what to do then it happened again. "um I think maybe my water just broke" is all I could say. lol Our Dr. took Callie so that I could run to the bathroom. I had to make sure. And of course by then I figured that is what happened. So I went back in. We decided to finish Callie's apt because I couldn't go anywhere anyway. Kyle was in Indiana and my mother in law's car battery was dead. Sooo, got Callie all squared away and then I had to wait for someone to come pick me up and be with the kids. They were all so sweet and put us in a room with a movie for the kids to watch while we waited.

Shortly Lovie and Kyle got there and off we went to the hospital. It was the first time we had been to the hospital to have a baby during the day. It's always been in the middle of the night or later so it was weird walking up mid morning. Got there and got into our room. By now my contractions had started. They were not horrible but not wonderful either. I was actually very happy that they started since my water had already broken. The early laboring wasn't too bad. The only bad part was that I was sitting in a huge puddle the entire time lol sorry for those of you that think that is TMO but it was not pleasant. lol

Anyway I had THE BEST L&D nurse ever, really really loved her. She was wonderful! But then they decided to start pitocen since I had not progressed very fast and I was on a "time limit" since my water broke. Anyway they got really really bad after that. And being that I was stuck in bed I could not deal with them very well, at all. So ten hours in I was done. I was done being in so much pain, I was done just sitting there crying through my contractions, and I was done not having a baby yet. So... I sent for my epidural. Oh my it was wonderful!! I have never like getting it but once it was effective it was wonderful wonderful wonderful!!!!!!! And it was by far the best I have ever had. I could move my legs the entire time. I pushed great and all but no pain. That is what I'm talking about :)

So two hours after my epidural she checked my and I was complete! I love it when they say you are there! So they called my Dr. and as soon as she got there we got to work.Which wasn't really work because I pushed twice and she came out :) And I have to say again, no matter how many littles you have it NEVER gets old. It never becomes ordinary seeing your precious baby enter the world and meeting her for the first time. It is an amazing miracle. And she was just perfect. All 8lbs 10oz of her. She was so sweet, I couldn't have ask for a more wonderful night!! We still can't believe she was not born until 9:39pm. Sheesh!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

oh me

Well I just hate to complain :( But....... it is 12 and let me tell you there is no sleep for me. Every night I hope for sleep but alas I get none. I am ready. I know I still have at least a little over a week before I can have her and that sounds sooo long. I could not be more uncomfortable and I'm sad that I feel like my mommying ( I know that is not a word!) skills are less than stellar. I hope that my other three sweet babies know that it will end soon!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pregnancy update

Wow. This has been one of the most hectic times ever. So much so I realized I have not posted much about Sidney or the other sweet kids in my life. So here it goes!
Sidney is doing great, my body not so much :) It has been a rough third trimester for sure. But it is almost over. I'm so glad that Sidney is doing great and growing like a champ. I am seeing my Dr. every week now, it seems like I'm always there. I am due in a little under four weeks. I feel like Sidney is already 8 or 9lbs :) Perhaps she will follow in her sisters footsteps and come two weeks early. I am sooo OK with that!! I have never seen my due date with any of the other babies and let me tell you if I do with this one I might go crazy. lol So we wait and I won't see sleep for a good four or five more months :)
This kids are good. I feel so bad. I have sooo not been a very fun mom lately. I don't have any energy, no tolerance for the heat, and not much patience due to the previous and sleep deprivation. I will be glad when our lives can go on and I don't feel so out of it for their sakes. They are champs though! I will have to do a post on each of them soon because they are so precious, and are growing up so fast!

Monday, August 16, 2010

And we're in...

Yes we have been in for a week tomorrow but it sure doesn't feel like it. I feel like I like in more of a construction zone than a home right now, but I do know it's a process and we will get there eventually. :) This past weekend, Kyle,my dad, and my mom's husband got together and installed the wood floor in our living room. I really really wish I had taken a before photo, of course I didn't. But it is AMAZING what pulling up the nasty carpet did! We still have lots to do in this room but the I am LOVING the floor. They did a wonderful job. Can't wait to see this room with paint, curtains, and decor on the walls. Oh and an entertainment center lol, yes the TV is on a nightstand right now. Hey we are getting there!