Monday, December 13, 2010

My precious babies...

So it's time for baby updates! It's been a while.... and I have energy. Want to know why????? Hmmm maybe I made a very very bad decision to drink a coke and a Mountain Dew at hmmm 9pm!! Yes, not a very responsible decision but boy have a gotten a lot done :) here it goes...
My adorable Lily Grace is doing wonderful :) She has welcomed her new sister with loving arms. She is SUCH a loving big sister. Such a little mama. She is the most affectionate little thing. Always wanting to be kissed, hugged, anything. Touch is def. her love language I think. She is everything girl. Loves princesses, dresses, pretty things, animals, and loving. She will twirl around in dresses and say "beautiful" and "I'm a princess" :) ah she just melts my heart. She is Henry's side kick. He is her best friend and worse enemy ! She will fight Lek crazy with him but if he isn't here she frets until he comes back. I love their relationship!!
She is quite the "non sharing" one so we are working on that :) Lily also is a major tender heart. Oh my one cross look will send her into tears. Which is good because sometimes she needs a cross look, or 20 :)
I love my girl to pieces!

Her hair was like this forever!! Crazy city. Now it is actually long and heavy enough that it is laying down, kinda sad.

Hilarious! Henry looks like Jim Cary!

Sidney Clair! Oh my oh my she is the sweetest baby. I know I say that all the time, but it is really the truth. She has such a laid back temperment. Is happy or sleeping the majority of the time. She is a chunky monkey too! She was almost 13lbs at 2 months! She just started really smiling a lot and has giggled out loud a lot in the last few days. It is sooo cute! Still not really taking a bottle, we are working on that! Sleeping between 8 and 12 hours at night! (good girl) Trying to take control back since although she loves her bed at night and goes to bed no problem, she will not nap in it! :( So sometime in the near future we are going to tackle that one.... but not right now :) I have a feeling this one will be Lily's Callie. See Callie adores Henry. He is her real big brother. Henry and Lily are so close they are more like equals than anything. But Callie and Henry have a true big brother little sister relationship. I think Sidney will be Lily's true little sister and Callie is more like her equal too :) It's so fun to see their relationships develop!

Callie, oh boy! We are in big trouble with this one :) haha she is a MESS! And I love her dearly. She is into everything! And busy busy busy. She's been walking since about 11 months and has been nonstop since. She adores her brother and is become best friends with Lily. Lily and Callie take baths together and Lily will say "she is my friend" and Callie will kiss her head :)
She is finally starting to talk a lot. It took some time! But she really likes it now. She is also SUPER AFFECTIONATE, and loves hugs and kisses and then to get down :) She is super sweet. And super sweet to just about anyone. Lily is sweet but she has to know you or you get a "Lily look" :) But this one will walk up to anyone to be picked up. Kinda scary actually! Oh and she is goofy goofy and will eat anything and everything. This one hasn't really said no to any food at all. The other day she was eating spinach artichoke dip with a spoon :)

And then there is my darling Henry :) Oh my he is a doll. Love him! Talk about a sweet fella. He really is growing way to fast. He will be 4 on New Years Eve and I can not believe it. He is such a big guy and it makes me sad that I can't really even carry him for a long time. He is close to 50lbs! He says the funniest things and makes me laugh all day long. He hates to see people cry and is super sensitive to those things. He is the best big brother and is constantly on the watch out for his little sisters. She loves the baby and wants to hold her all the time. When one of the girls is crying he will sing to them... so cute! He likes to be a big help and wants me to give him "chors" all the time. And he is a talker, will talk your ear off !!

These babies are so special! Thank you God for blessing me with your children!


The Armbruster Family said...

What a beautiful family! You are going to have such a fun Christmas :)