Sunday, January 1, 2012

Oh my he's 5....

Every year it's the same. I sit and stare at pics of my newly grown baby and just don't know how it happened. How in the wide world is my sweet boy 5. It seems so old. Such a little boy now. No more baby boys in this house. I just adore him. He is seriously such a sweet guy. He has a huge heart and just loves his sisters and us so much. He is still cuddly with me which makes this mama pretty happy :) He loves to learn, to write, to color, to work with his hands. He is really good at figure things out, a great problem solver. He eats pretty much everything these days and believe me at one time I though I would NEVER get anything in this boy.

Him growing so fast makes me wish I had more video of him little. More video that I could hear his little baby voice and see his chubby little body running around the place. It's enough to make a mama cry thinking that she will never see that baby again. It just happens so fast. Totally cliche' but I totally want a pause button for each and every one of these kids. But he is such a blessing to this family. And since I don't have a pause button then I will do my best to soak up each day I'm given with these amazing people. He is going to have his very first friend bday party next weekend and he is so excited. More to come!!