Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So.... I feel awful:) I mean really. I think I might rant for just a second. BUT I don't want anyone to think I'm complaining cause I'm not. I am so very thankful for this little precious baby in my belly and wouldn't change it for the world. I know what a huge blessing any child is...
with that said.

I have THE WORST siatic pain ever!!!! I mean really. I limp/ hobble/ cringe my way through my days now and that is just awful. I mean from the moment I get up until... well forever.... I have a shooting pain through my leg, up my butt/hip, through my back. No matter what I do it is always there. Even laying down. So that means between that pain and my heartburn there is no good sleep. I have begun the beginning of the six months till I sleep again time. :) Wow, the third trimester is never really fun but really, this is the worst.

And there is more. My sweet little boy is right smack dab in the middle of the wonderful two's.:) So we do time out, oh, 20 times a day as well as other punishments. Poor kids, poor mom. And Lily, as sweet as she is, is very demanding. Henry was extremely independent at this age. Very independent by the time he was 15 months. Lily, not so much. So all in all, I am sooo excited about meeting sweet Callie Joy, but in all honesty, I'm a little nervous. We will see how is all goes. I know this is God's plan and we will be fine. And most of me is really really excited about it. But the days are so long right now. Sometimes it's hard to look past them. Thanks goodness for my amazing husband that helps me see past it everyday I need it:)

I go to the Dr. on Tuesday. I will update on that and maybe add a prego pic, or two then! Goodnight.


katy said...

I am so sorry about your siatic pains and the fact that you are having such a rough time! I can only imagine dealing with a two year old and a one year old that's not very independent! Hopefully as Lily starts walking she will realize some of her independence (that's what's happening with Kendra). And you still have a few months to work through some of the two year old issues with Henry before Callie gets here!

I can't wait to see you next week! it has been too long!

Jackie Bragg said...

What a bummer! I am so sorry that you are feeling so bad. I completely understand, you hate to complain because it is such a blessing but oh my goodness - it can be rough! If you ever need a break give me a call, the kids can play at my house and you can take a rest. Seriously!