Thursday, April 23, 2009

Praise the Lord for the sunshine!!

Today is lovely! And I think it's just going to get lovelier. Ahhhh, the warm weather. How wonderfully renewing it is, even when you lack sleep. It's amazing what it can do for you. Today we went to the park with some dear friends that I don't get to see often enough, it was so nice. Henry played his little heart out and Lily tried, got frustrated, and loved it once she got in the swing:)
The kids are sleeping, thanks to playing in the sun all morning. Things have been busy it seems. The kids were sick and then I kept them at home for about a week and a half just to make sure they were well enough to be around other kids. That was hard because they get sooo board at home all the time. Thanks goodness that is over. :) My body is hating me right now, and as I mentioned above I'm really not getting any restful sleep. This is how is always is the last part of my pregnancies so by the time the baby comes I am ready and don't even mind the not sleeping. I probably get more sleep by the time they are eight weeks than right now. I really can't wait to meet her! She is a busy bee at night. During the day she moves but at night she does aerobics:) I mean really she get soo busy and she is really strong and big. So much so sometimes she actually hurts me. It's amazing. I will be so surprised if I make it to July 1st. Watch, this will be the first baby to actually come on her due date or later.
We are going to Hilton Head the last week in May. I will be 35 weeks. So after that she can come whenever she feels the need. I wonder what she will look like....??? Hair, no hair. If she has hair she will probably have more than her big sister does right now. lol. Sweet Lily. She has a beautiful head.
Lily got a doll for her birthday from my parents. Today Henry named her Mimi. He comes up with the most random things! But he likes the doll and yesterday he brought me into the living room to show me that he had put her in time out. lol. He said that she said no to mama and that's why she was in time out. I was so glad to see that. It was cute, but it also means that he is internalizing what time out is and what gets him in trouble. He has spent some time there lately so it's good to know that he is understanding what gets him there. Lily had her in the car today and was hugging her and patting her back. Those kids are just the cutest!!
Kyle has his last class tonight, and then has a month off. I am sooo excited. I know he is even more excited. He needs a break, we need a break. And the beach won't be bad either:) Well that is about it for now. Nothing abnormal going on but the sunshine is just wonderful!!