Tuesday, April 27, 2010

18 weeks

Baby #4 is great! I had my 18week check yesterday and all is perfect. I had been really stressed recently about not feeling the baby yet. With Henry I felt him around 17 weeks and he was the latest. With Callie, I felt her at around 15. So being 18 1/2 weeks with nothing had me a bit worried. But when my Dr. put that Doppler to my belly that strong , fast (154 ) heartbeat popped up super fast. And she said she could hear tons of movement when listening. So that was a huge relief that all is well. And then wouldn't you know it that that night I felt "her" four hours. And then all day today, she is very active :) I just love the feeling of babies in your belly, what a blessing! We have our big ultrasound in 12 days! Monday the 10th, I can't wait to see this little one on screen which I would like to make the prediction that I think this is another sweet little girl :)