Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hilton Head 2010

Wow what a week! This past week we were lucky enough to spend a week on Hilton Head Island with Kyle's parents and brother. It was lots of fun but not lots of rest! :) I think I may need a week to recover from our week of vacation. I told Kyle that for now, the days of relaxing self centered vacations were over lol But that's OK with me because it is so fun to watch these babies have fun. Sorry about all the pictures. I should have spread out the pics between lots of posts but I'm tired and it's easier to just get it done :)

On the way down this is all the sleep I got out of these two. And let me say it only lasted about 20 minutes. They were basically a wreck the entire time until 10:30 that night. I thought Henry was going to go crazy with all the crying. lol But they are so sweet like this!
She did find diaper changes to be quiet fun though~

Henry was pretty obsessed with the pool showers

My littles fishes :)

She is thinking....

He loved flying his kite at the beach :)

daddy and his girls :)

sitting in a hole, eating a stick... why not?

Henry thought it was funny she was in a hole, Callie thought it was humours that he was in his undies :)

Not lots of rest but lots of love!

we rode a trolley to dinner one night and Lily thought is was so amazing lol see the wind whipping through her hair? you could just see her thinking, faster faster :) she is a wild one.

Callie at dinner

Lil at dinner
haha love this face!

Either thinking about something or sad because we had to leave
Callie LOVES to swing

Me and my girl

On the way back to our car in the trolley
One night we went out for ice cream after eating at the condo. Who doesn't love a chocolate dip cone with sprinkles, come on!

Love this girl

Callie enjoying her puffs wishing for ice cream :)

My little grown lady, she looks so old and serious sometimes.

We got to go out together one night, and went fishing off the dock we always fish off of. We caught about 20 of these little guys. There are TONS of sharkes there. Kyle had two pretty big ones on his line but they both bit right through! We had a lot of fun!The kids were always trying to find fun things while we were up in the room

Fun times with Pop

My Lady in pink :) She is too cute in hats and will not keep them on her head for anything. We were lucky to get these shots before she tore it off.

This is one of her signature "I'm not impressed" looks :)

Handsome man, a bit blurry but too cute not to include :)

Sweet baby girl. I have felt so sorry for her. She has had a two month long cold/ear infection. Bless her heart for feeling so is still such a sweet happy girl!

Thanks Pop and Lovie for a great time!