Friday, July 2, 2010

Alive and well.

Hello world! No we have not dropped off the face of the earth but sometimes I feel as thou we have. :) We have been sooo busy. I don't even think busy is the word but it's the best I can figure out right now. In latest news we sold our house! Which is wonderful because I don't know how much more I could stand cleaning, showing, etc. It really is quiet an undertaking, selling a house! Good grief. Esp with three toddlers and two dogs :) So although I am more than grateful and happy someone is buying it.. that also means we need to find another house stat! We went out looking with our agent last night. Oh boy. I'm sure everyone looking for the "perfect house for them" feels this way but Yuck! Lol we didn't see one out of the 8 or 9 we looked at that were even options. It truly amazes me how some people leave their houses before they are shown. Anyway we go out again on Sat so hopefully there will be some realistic options for us. The kids are great and probably wondering when life will settle down again. Sorry guys!
Sidney and I are doing great. She is growing growing and moving moving. I am now in my third trimester, which is amazing. Feeling Ok. Nerve issues, insomnia, and reflux make sure I don't forget that I'm pregnant but other than that we are good :) Hard to believe in 12 weeks or less little Sidney Claire will be with us! Very excited to meet her and also a little hard to believe we will have four little ones. That is actually starting to sound like a lot to me :)
So yes, I will have pictures soon. We have had birthday after birthday. Graduations holidays and everything else you can think of. Lot's to celebrate but not much time to energy to blog about them. So I will be back soon, hopefully with a picture of our new home!