Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Five Months!

Well almost! We are five days shy but hey gota get it in when I can ;) I am in awe that she is five months. I couldn't ask for a better baby, such a sweet girl! Here are some things about you sweet girl...
You LOVE your car seat. You take some of your best naps in it, which is nice since we tend to stay pretty busy.
You sleep wonderful all night. Go to bed between 7-7:30pm and usually not a sound until morning.
You are continuing to nurse like a pro. And you have been my only baby to take a bottle and nurse at the same time. You finally started to take a bottle while mommy was stuck out for a long time and you take one every night now just to make sure you don't forget :) So daddy gets to give you your bedtime feeding now :)
You have found your voice and squeal screech with the best of them!
You LOVE your siblings . They can make you belly laugh and smile in a second.
Not sure if you like tummy time or not because you never get it :) Which is fine by me because I'd like you to stay stationary as long as possible. Although Callie didn't get any either and she walked at 10 months.... and I must say you are super strong regardless.
(and Lily slept on her belly her entire life and still didn't even crawl until a year....hmmm maybe tummy time doesn't matter anyway :)
Have not started solids yet but thing I may in the next week or so.
I love you sweet girl! How blessed I am to be your mommy!!!


The Armbruster Family said...

precious!!! love the tutu :)