Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sidney Claire 7 months!

Oh my sweet sweet baby girl! Sidney was 7 months on the 21st. It's hard to believe she's only been part of this family for 7 months, seems like it's been forever. She has been changing so much lately. It's like around this time they just wake up and start to notice everything around them and interact with their world. It's so fun. She isn't sitting up by herself totally yet and we will both be glad when she can :) But she will roll all over the place when given a chance. (which isn't very often with three other littles running around)

She is eating aprox. every four hours. Meals with us and then a bedtime bottle before her bath.

She LOVES food. She really likes squash,and sweet potatoes. There is actually this organic baby food I found that she LOVES. And it stuff like spinach, rutabegas and apples. Or sweet peas, spinach and pears. Let me tell you she will tear this stuff up! lol She likes fruit, but will make faces like she thinks it's sour a lot of the time.

so Sidney has always been a spitter. But then recently she had been just prodjetile vomiting. And not right after she was eating we are talking four hours later before her next bottle. :( I could not figure it out. So just on chance, I got her some lactose free formula. I figured that breast milk is not a dairy, has no lactose. Makes since that babies probably are not really ready to digest that so perhaps Sidney was just having a hard time with it. BINGO!! Let me tell you, from the moment she took her first lactose free bottle there was no more! Even her normal spit up was reduced drastically!! Sometimes I wonder how much "reflux" out there are babies that are just getting stuff that doesn't agree with their system.

She loves her sisters and brother and they love her. She is wild, and can not wait to be right up in the middle of them. :)

She is taking two naps, both about 2-2.5 hours morning and evening. (except for at church, she is now on strike when it comes to napping in the nursery at church :)and is sleeping between 10-12 hours a night. A week ago I would have told you she would never sleep 12 hours, but she has done it for three nights in a row... who knows!

She loves her paci!! :) She doesn't have to have it, nor does she get it really during the day. But when you lay that sweet girl down she HAS to have it in her mouth. I just realized this the other day when I tried to put her to nap without one..... ummm no it didn't' work :) She officially is dependant on it. And guess what, I'm thrilled :) I would have paid Lily and Callie to have one (heck these days I would pay Callie to have one now!) I loved that Henry had his. So needless to say, I'm happy that she enjoys her paci!

She really is such a happy baby. Loves to smile and be held/talked to. Only don't get her when she is hungry, lol the baby monster inside that rarley shows her head comes out lol She will SCREAM until you put that bottle/spoon full of food into her mouth. I try really hard to get her fed before it comes to thins but hey... three other kids, household to run... ummmm doesn't always happen ;)

I'm really looking forward summer, and getting her outside more. I think she is going to love it!!