Monday, August 15, 2011


I had a little revelation tonight. Kyle is remodeling our bathroom. He is working on it every minute he can so that we can actually have our second toilet back :) Anyway, he was working right after dinner until just now, it's 10:30.That leaves me to get all the kids ready and in the bed. Usually I'm just in charge of the two babies and Kyle does the big kids. I did them all tonight. Well I was laying in bed reading to Henry. We read, then we sang and then he cuddled right up to me and we prayed then we sang one more song. As we were singing I had a weird thought cross my mind. I thought, "If I knew I was going to die sometime soon, then I would insist on putting the kids to bed and savoring that sweet time" and then I stopped. Really? Would it really take some kind of fatal diagnosis to get me excited about spending quality time with my kids instead of rushing through so I can sit on the couch? How sad. Hopefully in the future I can remember that those times are to be treasured regardless of how much of our future we know or not. Because no matter how long it last, these precious moments with our small children are already numbered and too short.


Bagraybeal said...

What a lovely post. A good reminder to enjoy the moment!