I love how sometimes God makes things just extra clear. Things that you think you know, understand, and then bam! he gives you such a clear focus on that same thing. Lately, I have know lots of people whom I love that are in the process of loosing someone dear or have just lost someone dear. It has made me think of how very hard and sad it would be to watch a loved relative or friend die. Well then one day driving down the road, I"m not sure what made me really think about it, a song perhaps. But I started thinking about the reality of the pain surrounding the death of Jesus and the amazing miracle of witnessing Him raise from the dead. It came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks and all I could do was cry. Jesus, so very loved by so many people. Mary's son, her little boy. Such an amazing person and so young. To witness him to be treated so wrong, to watch him in pain, and to die is more than I think my mind can wrap itself around. I just couldn't even imagine to watch my brother, friend, father, anyone go through that. Then the deep sadness to be without Him, for him to be gone. And then to actually SEE Him three days later! Are you kidding me?! To look into His eyes again, something that you didn't think you would ever get the chance to again. Oh my how much amazing joy those scenes must have actually had. I can't wait to experience those amazing moments in heaven. Oh the joy.
Visualizing Better Days Can Help You Cope Today
2 weeks ago
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