Last night at dinner Henry stopped eating and said his tooth hurt. Kyle felt it and sure enough it was loose! That was enough to make this mama cry at dinner, truth be told Kyle teared up too. I had to google it because I felt like it was soooo early, no way our Henry was old enough to loose teeth. Welp yep totally old enough :( Today I felt it to see how loose it was and realized both bottom teeth are loose. Oh my goodness. Henry gets a kick out of it and can't stop playing with it. I have a feeling the one will be out before too long. I really can't believe he is getting so big. We had his 5 year check up today and I still can't believe how old he is. You know when I say that people are like "well your having another!" and I know they mean well. But it isn't my Henry. You know no matter how many babies you have it will never touch the bitter sweetness of each one of them growing up. I'm not sad one of my babies are growing I'm sad my Henry is growing. (and more than grateful too!) So even if we are blessed with another sweet son, who will be just as precious as his four siblings, Henry is our one and only Henry. My first little boy, my first little baby. Who is just not such a little baby anymore. He still loves to cuddle and loves me, I will take that :) He told me today when we were talking about him growing up that he will be marrying a lady soon (lol) and told me he wants her to be just like me. That made my heart happy :) and then said only God knows who she will be. Right on Henry right on. I love my sweet guy and he is really looking forward to getting some money when that tooth does make it's exit !
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