Friday, May 18, 2012

Sidney Claire

Oh my goodness, this little lady. It's so funny how after every child you get surprised at how even a fourth could be so different and entertain you so different. Hmmm, not to mention scare you so different :) But this little one is so much different than anyone else and so funny. She is just so cute and it's a hoot seeing a little 19 month old baby walk around like she is 3. I really truly think in the back of her mind she is totally convinced she is as old as the others. I feel like just in the past say month we have really started to see lots of her personality. See for the past oh 19 months I have let her have her binky ALL THE TIME. No joke she had that thing in her mouth 90% of her life. I was so diligent with Henry, who was one my first (biggie) and second my only other one to take to a binkey although I tried all of them. So anyway by one he only had his binkey at night. Well not her :) She is my fourth and just let's be honest, it was more imperative that I didn't have to listen to her whine so it was much easier to let her have it and be quiet. So fast forward 19 months and I realize she has a small open bite and she probably shouldn't have it all day long. (no judgement if you do I just thought it was time she didn't walk around all day with it) So we had the LONG one week process of not letting her have it during wake time, only in her crib. Oh my goodness it was so hard! She was totally beside herself the first few days. And quickly I realized that it was her only for of self soothing, so she didn't know how to sooth herself any other way :( That made for a lot of crying! A few times Kyle was like "just give it to her" or "you didn't bring one with us!" lol it was rough. But honestly now that she is over it we have discovered a new little girl! She talks a lot! And is soooo smiley. She is overall a much happier kid now that she has had to learn to function without it. I know it sounds so crazy since it's just a binkey but when a baby has it in her mouth all the time there are things you just don't see :) So although it was rough I'm so glad we did it and have enjoyed getting to know the adorable and spunky and crazy personality of my third sweet daughter. 
She is TROUBLE! She loves to talk and loves to run around with crew doing/attempting to do everything with them. She gives the BEST baby hugs ever. Like will wrap her arms around your neck and squeeze, really the best adult type hugs ever! And it's so funny how happy she gets to go to bed and get that beloved binkey. She runs into her room ask to get in her bed all while smiling, squealing and then once she gets it she throws herself down onto her pillow to fall asleep. I adore this little girl. She has my heart just as much as the other three that is for sure!