Thursday, April 25, 2013

My Lily Grace is 5!!!

My precious beautiful baby girl is 5! So hard to believe. I look at photos of my stubby short haired baby girl and there is almost no traces of her left in the little beauty. Oh I still get glimpses of her, but boy how she has grown! Into such an amazing little girl!! I am so proud of the sweet girl she is. Her heart is so big. She feels so big, she loves deep, she cares lots, and she cries easy. She adores her big brother and is a great big sister to her baby sisters. She is very responsible and is such a good girl. She is excited as can be about starting Kintergarten next year gives the best hugs and kisses. Her favorite dinner is speghetti and meat balls and she loves dessert! (me too!) Oh how much I love this girl and how very blessed I feel to be her mama. Lots of love to you our sweet Lily Grace... can't wait to see what God has in store for you!!

1. What is your name? Lily

2. March 29th

3. What do you want to do when you grow up? "I want to be a Dr. a baby Dr."

4.What is your favorite food? "Broccolli"

5.What is your favorite show? "Barbie Princess and the Pauper"

6;What is your favorite song? " 1000 reasons and corageous"

7.What is your favorite color? " pink and purple

8. What is your favorite drink? "apple juice"

9. What is your favorite store? "Costo" :)"

10. What is yoru favorite princess? "Cinderella"

11. What do you like to do outside? "Place on the swings"