Tuesday, October 16, 2007

15 weeks 1 day....

I had my October Dr. appt yesterday and everything looks great. His/Her little heart was a strong and healthy 146 beats per min. Dr. Nett said everything looks perfect. I was glad, I'm always glad. But the most exciting part wast hat I set up my ultra sound on Nov. 12th so that is when we "hopefully" find out if it's a him/her. I can't wait.
I am feeling really good right now. I'm trying to enjoy it because I know it will be the best I will feel for a long time. Henry is having some sleeping issues right now so needless to say I am getting up four or five times a night. I'm not sure why he is doing this. He has always been such a great sleeper. I mean he was sleeping through the night at seven weeks. I dunno, I hope it's just a stage. I'm trying to stay joyful, even in those moments, and really enjoy him though. I know it won't last forever and one day when he is "too cool" to love on momma I will wish for those moments at night that he just wanted to be cuddled.
He is doing sooo good. Learning so much each day. Now he is talking up a storm. Well, talking in his own language. He babbles all day long. I love it, it is so cute. His favorite sounds to make are Bubbb, Dada ( yep he says it but doesn't know what it means yet ) and he likes to roll his toung. He also is working really hard on standing up without anything to pull up on. He made it yesterday for just a second and then fell. But he tries all the time. He will be walking in no time. And then, oh boy, will I be in for it.
Well, I guess that's it for now.


katy said...

I'm glad that you are feeling good and that you and your baby are healthy! I can't wait to find out whether Henry is getting a brother or sister. :)