Friday, February 22, 2008

Getting excited!

Time is flying by. And I have to say I am getting really excited to meet miss Lily. We almost have her room all finished (I will post pics as soon as we are done) and that makes me happy. And I just am ready. As guilty as I feel about not being able to really just sit back and enjoy this pregnancy, I can't wait to see her little face and kiss and hug her. I really can't wait to find out what kind of little person God has created. Her personality, her likes, dislikes, and what color hair and eyes she will have. Will she be really intense like Henry with a little temper or will she be shy and quiet. I think that is the best part about having children. Watching them grow and celebrating who they are. Even days like this when I've been up since 5:30am because #1 I couldn't go back to sleep for anything this morning because #2 Henry has been up since then. No I didn't go and get him until 6:15 but he was awake. He has just started waking up that early and crying or talking until we get him up. But I refuse to get him up that early so hopefully this is just a stage and he will go back to sleeping until seven (late for him) I really hope so!!
Lily is getting big, I can tell. Now her movements are big and rolling because I'm sure she is cramped in there. I have my 34 week apt on Monday. We are starting internal exams and I just can't believe it. That makes is feel very real that it wont be too long before we have another baby in our lives. I also get my strep b test so please pray it comes back negative. I know it's no big deal if it were positive. But the way I like to be in labor being hooked up to IVs is a real pain and I would really like to not have to deal with that.
Well I guess I will go empty out the dish washer while Henry is napping because he is obsessed with it. I can't even open it for a second without him making a b-line for it to try to take the dishes out or see how far in he can climb before I make him get out. So I have to take these opportunities to get things done:) Hope everyone is great and not out in this nasty icy weather.


katy said...

I hope Henry starts sleeping better for you so that you can get some rest before Lily is born. :) It's getting so close, I am sure you are ready to have her.