Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hello out there...

Hey! Well the computer should be fixed and I should be back on for good. Let's hope so!! Well what is new? I am getting to the end of the pregnancy and should state that I am ready to not be pregnant for a while. I am officially in the no sleep period and I really really hate that. It's either having to pee every hour (literally) , sore belly, Lily moving around like a crazy baby, or horrible heart burn. I'm sure there is more I can't think of right now. So my "easy" pregnancy is still a pregnancy and I can't wait to have her. We had our 32 week apt. yesterday and everything is good to go. She is still measuring right on so there is still hope that maybe she is not going to be huge baby like Henry was. (even though it would be ok if she was) And she is head down which is good news because like I had said before my one fear out of all this is having a c-section. It always has been but now with a baby already at home I can't imagine having to go though all that. So keep that in your prayers for me, please. So head down is just another worry I don't have to think about. We also had a 3d done a couple weeks ago. I will try to scan a few of the pictures, but we didn't get any really good ones. You can see her pretty lips but thats about it because she was hiding behind my placenta the whole time. But we did get to see her stick out her tong, yawn a alot, suck on her thumb, and rub her little eyes. She was really sleepy. No wonder she was curled up, using my placenta as a pillow. :)
Henry is good. He had been a little sick and just kinda out of sorts. Also, he has really begun to start to pitch fits if he doesn't get what he wants. I mean the boy has a little temper and it really has just began to rear it's little head just this past week-end. Oh my, he wears me out:)
Did I mention that I really don't want to be pregnant anymore.? Just checking.
Well I guess that's all for now. I hope everyone is enjoying the snow day and is safe inside their homes!