Friday, January 25, 2008

Sweet kisses

I just had to laugh. Henry loves kissing the baby in the mirror. :) How funny is he. What a little crazy man. I really feel so lucky. So lucky because I have a wonderful little boy who lights up every part of my life, even on those not so great days. You know Abby posted some websites of parents going through loosing or the loss of their babies. And I hate to say for a few days there I think I was a little obsessed reading their stories and crying like a baby. But I think what really strikes me about them is their hope and their faith, even amidst the biggest loss I think anyone can have. Their joy and their appreciation to God even when their baby was taken away. And I can honestly say it has really changed my perception of my life. I'm not saying I don't have bad days but really. Even on the bad days I can't help but thank the Lord that I have him and this little girl growing so healthy inside my belly. When it all comes down to it that's really all that matters right now. I have the people that I love standing by my side and I couldn't want anymore than that!! What's a better birthday present than to realize that?
OK, on a lighter note, here are some more pictures of Henry "getting into trouble". He is such a little monkey! I hope everyone is having a blessed week, even if it is bitterly cold outside and we are all getting a bit of cabin fever. Come spring come!!


katy said...

What a cutie! I'll have to check those websites out, I have been to busy to really check everybody's blog, but Mike is holding the baby for 15 minutes so I'll have to c heck sometime so on!