Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Vicks... who knew?

I have found a cough remedy that is great! A little smelly but great. Henry has had a cold for about a week now. You know the normal runny nose, yucky feeling, and terrible little cough. I was at my wits end because it was waking him up at night. It was really bad at night. So then I remembered a email that I think my mom sent me. It was about how they have found that if, at night, you put Vick's vapor rub on the bottoms of feet and then put socks on them that it will help a cough. Well I was ready to try anything homeopathic since you can't give babies cough med. Well what do you know, it worked. He didn't cough once that night. I mean, sure it isn't the best smell but hey I can live with that. Just wanted to pass that on to any mommy that was dealing with that nasty cough too.

I had my 27 week appt. yesterday and all is well. Well at least I hope. I had my gestational diabetes test blood drawn so no news is good news. Let's just hope that all proves not to be a problem. Little Lily is also measuring just right. This time with Henry, he was already measuring 2 weeks bigger than he was. So maybe, just maybe, this is be a more normal sized baby. We will see. I also feel really good because I had the "what to expect from your Dr. during delivery" talk with Dr. Nett and she made me so happy. She said that if at all possible she wanted the least amount of intervention possible. That if everything went how we wanted she just wanted to be there for me to push that baby out and her to catch it. That made me feel so good. That is one of the reasons for leaving the other practice. They were so hyper and so all about medical intervention that it drove me crazy. When you are trying to have the most natural labor and delivery possible that can prove to be a problem. So I am just thrilled with Dr. Nett. I really am glad I chose this practice. And even the staff is super nice. Something I can't say for my old one as well.

Henry has learned how to climb up on our couch all by himself now. That is a really big step, also very scary. He still doesn't understand that he can't just fall off the couch. He will just stand up and fall backwards without even thinking about it. So it is a new obstacle to keep him away from. But he is super proud of himself!! He is really such a character. He makes me laugh about 100 times a day. I just love him.

Well I hope everyone is having a great start to this new year. I wish the weather would stick around but I know better around here. So long warm weather!!