Monday, August 31, 2009

Time is flying by..

It's amazing how fast life if going right now. And I'm just trying my hardest to soak it all in because it is so precious right now. Callie is 10 weeks!! Can you believe it!! I sure can't. She's a doll. Sleeping like a champ and sooo sweet natured and laid back. (guess you kinda have to be being the third right in a row!) Things are good. If you have little ones, go hug them really tight. And even though they are hard and you are tired sit back and marvel at this wonderful gift God has given us. They are truly amazing gifts.... gifts strait from the hand of God himself. Here are some of the girls....

Our first of many pony tails... well kinda. :)

Cool girl... she is sooo girly it's cute!


Jackie Bragg said...

Well said! Your girls are adorable.