Sunday, October 11, 2009

Callie's baby dedication

What a wonderful morning it was! Today we dedicated Callie at church. I just love baby dedication. I love just watching them but I really love love love when we have a baby in it:) It's such a special time to get to 1)announce to your church home the birth of you new baby and 2) publicly give your child back to God, whom they belong to in the first place. I just love it! She was so good as usual and didn't make a peep through the whole thing. Then we all(all the family minus my brother Matt who is at school, miss you Matt!) ate lunch at Cracker Barrel (yum!) The kids were great and lasted through lunch which I was very surprised about. Sweet Little Lady
My other little princess wearing her cute dress that our good friend Krystal made her:)

Too busy to sit still

It took many takes to get a semi good pic of her, always on the go as well...

She was saying cheese but my silly camera is just so slow... I think it's time for an upgrade. You need a FAST camera to catch these toddlers!!


Playing checkers

SO I don't have a clue why I thought that we had a actual chance to get a good pic of all five of us...
Take one...

Take two
Take three...

Take .... ten(umm Kyle stop chewing your gum!)

Alright fine... take 20... this isn't going to happen is it???

Our little angel

Nonnie and Callie

Hot hubby striking a pose (haha he'd kill me if he saw this on here)

"is it time to go home yet?"

And so since this day was about Callie here are some other photos from the week...

Getting so strong!

Love the eyes and eyelashes...
and the leg rolls!...
And the rosy cheeks....
Oh heck, what isn't to love :)