Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pumpkin carving and Trick or Treating...

We (well Henry and Kyle) had a great time carving our pumpkin. In the pic below, I had told Kyle that everyone has commented on how he doesn't ever smile in pictures, he doesn't by the way. So this is what I got... good grief! Kyle tried to get Henry to reach in and pull out the pumpkins guts...
Sorry it's so blurry, but you can see he is saying "yucky no way"

OK now he is armed with a spoon and is ready...

VERY excited about putting the candle in, he loves fire

Finished product:)

We had sooo much fun Halloween night. Kyle took Henry out for a while while Lily and I handed out candy. She really enjoyed watching. Henry wasn't gone very long b/c he got tired walking all that way. Who knew that once he got home he would take over giving out the candy! He had more fun doing that I think. There was not one shy bone in his body and he took his job very seriously. It was hilarious to watch him!!

Lily is saying "cheese" but won't look at the camera...Henry is at his post

Here is the video of him passing out candy. He was so cute and did such a good job. I had told him to only give each kid one piece of candy and he did. He ever had many candy bars in his hand but would drop only one in each bucket. lol He was saying "trick or treat" to the kids coming to get candy. lolol you can hear Lily say hi and she is whispering "trick or treat" too. these kids have no problem with strangers tonight that's for sure.:)

Kyle and I were joking that he was like those people selling peanuts and such at baseball games. Maybe he has a future in sales.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Purpose of Prayer

There has been so many times that I have ask the question, "why pray" and gone over and over again my questions on that topic. A amazing woman that I follow here in blogger addresses this question and answers that question the best that I have heard it answered. So here it is. She has a very sick son that is in the hospital. You can imagine there have been many many prayers sent up for him...

"I believe that God answers prayers. The Bible says that He does, so I believe it. I have experienced it. I know it to be true in my heart and in my brain. But you see, God does not always answer in the way or in the time frame we want. We can ask, we can be specific with our requests, we can spread requests on prayer chains and on Facebook, via Twitter and on blogs. And yes, God answers prayers! But the outcome we hope for, and beseech God for, is not always the outcome God has in mind.

Nor is there at all any Biblical proof that God uses any sort of tally system when answering prayers. He does not have a notebook in which he makes hash marks for each prayer prayed for each specific need, nor does He dole out answers accordingly.

There is no evidence I've ever seen to support the idea that God is up in Heaven sayiing, "Well, let me see, since Stellan received x number of prayers today, I guess I'll allow him to break out of SVT."

You see, God hears our prayers. But God still does what He, in His sovereignty, is going to do. He listens to our prayers, hears us each and every time we speak to Him, think to Him, or even groan to Him. God is affected by our prayers and He wants us to pray.

But God is still God. I firmly believe that our prayers do not change God or His mind, at least not in the way we sometimes think. If He answers our prayers by giving us the outcome we requested, consider that that is because He knew we were going to pray before we ever prayed. He knows the past, present and future all at once. And when God does not answer a prayer the way we wanted to...what of that? If a sick child passes away, in spite of her parents begging God to spare her life? What are we to think of that? Did the child not live because there were not enough prayers said on their behalf? Absolutely not!! I cannot pretend to know the mind of God and why He allows children to die and others to suffer. But I do know that Christians believe that death is not the end. As unbelievably tragic and sad as losing a loved one must be, there is hope beyond this life. I do not think that God wants any child to die and their parents to live life without them. And there is no way I believe that any child ever dies because not enough prayers were prayed on their behalf. God is infinite and I just cannot understand His ways. But I do know that He is eternal, and what He allows on earth is viewed by Him from an eternal perspective that we finite humans simple cannot fully comprehend.

I do just know that God listens to our prayers. He does not always answer our prayers the way we want him to, but He does answer them. Yet I have no reason to hold the belief that our prayers have power in and of themselves. Our prayers don't change things. God changes things.

You see, changes us. But more on that in a minute.

Hmmm. If it is God who changes things, then why should we bother to pray? Can more prayers, or very heartfelt prayers, be the impetus in changing God's mind about something? I suppose maybe, but with a twist. See, if God were to change His mind about something*, because of our fervent prayers, it will be something that God already knew would happen. He knew that thousands of fervent prayers would be lifted for Stellan. So, although I am certainly not inclined to think that more prayers create a higher likelihood that we will get the outcome from God, I suppose that maybe He changed His mind about what He was going to do, because He already knew that many would pray. And in that case, since He is omniscient, He already knew He would change His mind. So, I am not sure if that truly counts as God changing His mind in the way that we humans mean it. God knows what He is going to do regarding every thing, small and large, that happens in all of our lives from now until the day Jesus returns and we all take up residence somewhere besides earth.

*And there is some Biblical evidence about times when it surely does appear that God did change His mind. But regarding the idea that larger numbers of praying people are more likely to impact God to change His mind? My gut is telling me that God's will doesn't exactly work on a numbers game like we think it might.

Okay, seriously now...then what is the point of prayer!?

Maybe the point of prayer, if it isn't to get God to do what we want, is instead to bring ourselves into alignment with God so that we can be close enough to Him to be okay with what He decides instead of feeling like we need to try to get our way. Maybe the beauty in having lots of people pray for Stellan is not that the numbers of their prayers will influence God as it is that there is beauty in the number of people who may draw themselves near to God by praying.

Because what is going to happen with Stellan, I believe, is going to happen regardless. Maybe the joy here is in many of us learning to accept God's will for Stellan's life and become closer to Him in the process. I would quite honestly love little more than for that to be the outcome of the many prayers for Stellan. Do I want Stellan to be healed? To be free of SVT? Of course! But I fully trust that God is going to do what it best, regardless of if that outcomes seems best to my finite mind. Additionally, the more people who pray for someone, the more those people who are doing the praying will see God's glory in the outcome, whatever the outcome may be, and be themselves impacted by prayer. In that case, more is certainly still better! So keep on praying for Stellan, and for others! It's just that the impact of our prayers might not be just the impact we first imagined.

Hard to comprehend? I know! It is for me, too. It always helps me to remember that I am human. My mind is finite. I cannot be expected to truly understand the infinite. God doesn't require me to, but wants only that I trust Him. My mind, try as it might, can not get completely wrapped around God and His sovereign ways. Sure, it's fun and valuable to spend time in thought about deep issues concerning Christianity.


At some point, I have also found that it's okay to let go of my need to understand everything about God. I can study up on God as much as I want, which of course I ought to, and still never reach ultimate understanding on this earth. That, my friends, is where faith comes in. I want to love God, and, ultimately, to trust that whatever He decides is best for Stellan and for all aspects of my life. To have faith in His omniscient ways regarding prayer, even when I don't understand. Even when I don't see. Even when things don't make logical sense.

In fact, Jesus said to those on earth who saw Him in the flesh, "Because you have seen Me, you have believed; but blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29 (emphasis mine)

I, for one, have never seen Jesus in the flesh. Yet I believe. My faith in Him allows me to overlook seemingly insurmountable human roadblocks to my prayer, as well. If God already knows what He's going to do, then why pray? Well, I pray because God tells me to, and because I believe He hears me. I pray to bring myself into alignment with God's will, and not to try to change God. I pray to communicate with God, and to get to know Him better, for He is my friend. I have faith that Jesus was real, did actual miracles, died on a cross, hears me when I talk to Him and wants to have a relationship with me. And when I have a relationship with someone, I talk to them.

Prayer is simply talking to God. Because He is real.

Jesus really lived, He really healed people, He really said He was the only way to Heaven, He really died on the cross, and He really walked from the grave and appeared to over 500 witnesses. What that means for your life can be questioned. That it happened, cannot. It is verifiable.

In fact, Jesus is the most documented person in history. If we reject his existence, Plato, Socrates, Alexander The Great, Ghengas Khan, William Wallace and Leif Ericsson are in real trouble.

So what is the point of praying?

I think we pray because Jesus was real, nay because Jesus is real. I pray because God made the earth and all humans, and so for one, it is not simply my responsibility, but rather my joy and privilege to be able to communicate with the Creator of all that is, and to His Son, who died for us all.

As I said, we can talk to God like we talk with our friends. If we love Him, and have a relationship with God, we will indeed want to chat with Him. In fact, the more I think about this question of what is the point of praying to ask God, say, for Stellan's complete healing if God already knows what's going to happen, the more I realize that the very question implies a misconception about prayer in the first place.

The purpose of prayer is not to try to get out of God what we want.

Of course, petition is one part of prayer, to be sure. God wants us to bring our requests before Him. And, as long as we understand that the outcome is entirely up to God, not us, we will be content. But praying with a favor for God, to ask him to heal Stellan, for example, while all fine and good, is not the only kind of prayer out there.

Because God is good, holy and perfect, He is worthy of our prayers. We are called in the Bible to pray to God, simply to talk to Him, to adore Him, to confess our sins directly to him, to offer Him thanksgiving for what He has done, to share with Him about our day, as well as to come before Him with supplication, requesting a need that we or someone we know has.

I often pray to God to get to know His heart better, to be in communion with Him so that I will be able to better discern His will for my life. I pray to draw myself close to the One who already holds me in the palm of His hand, and to bring myself in accordance with Him, and not vice versa!

Don't for one second ever let the fact that you don't pray enough, or are horribly sinful, hold you back. Because if you are, you are just like me, and in fact, we are exactly the people God wants to hear from! And when we talk to HIm, we ought not be surprised if He doesn't answer us like we thought He would, but instead reveals something completely amazing and beautiful to us about His nature.

So go ahead, keep praying for Stellan. Pray for other children who need prayer. Pray for yourself. And keep contemplating what you think the real purpose of prayer in the first place.

Because it just might not be what you have always thought it was."

Five years and a million blessings!

Can you even believe it's been five years since this day??!! I really can't. I was thinking about it and in sooo many ways it seems just like yesterday. Now mind you I do not think that I look like it was yesterday but it does feel that way. And then, on the other hand, sooo much has happened over the course of the five wonderful years I have been married to my amazing husband. Who knew you could cram buying a house, four career moves between the two of us, three children, lots of ups, a couple downs, and about a trillion other things into five years of marriage?

I distinctly remember this day. Sooo vividly. It was a wonderful day. Everything went perfect. And by that I do not remember if everything was as "should be" or not. I do remember being so estactic to be marring Kyle that, that was about all that really mattered. I remember being so hopeful about our future. Feeling giddy just saying the word "husband" and wearing that band on my left hand. I remember how special it was. I could just look at my left hand forever :-)
I prayed that those things would never get mundane. That I would never just take for granted the wonderful gift of my husband or marriage. And let me tell you, that anytime I start to feel like these things are "normal" or "everyday" I pray and ask God to give remind me of how amazing my life and marriage is, and He does. I know that is how I love my husband the same, only more right this moment. I am more excited about our marriage, our future, our right now, and my wedding band as I was on this day five years ago. We are my life. Everything that happens starts with us. Under God we are the most important thing to each other. And I am so thankful for that. The way that I think about adoring my children, I think about and adore my Kyle. I love his eyes, his lips, his strength. I love the way he loves me. I could have never imagined being so in love with him, but I am. And I choose to be that way. Through the power of the Holy Spirit I am in love with him like I could have never imagined being, even on that faithful day I could have never imagined it being like this!

Kyle, I love you. I love you like I could have never expected too. And our life together means more to me than I could ever express to you. I am honored to be your wife, your helpmate, and your friend. I pray everyday to be the wife that you deserve. Thank you for being such an amazing man. A amazing father and friend. What I lack, you fill in. As much as I can't wait for the next 50 years, even more I am enjoying right now, this minute in our marriage. How blessed we are!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Some more things about me:)

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This Blog
Linked From Here
Monday, October 26, 2009
A Little Bit About Me

...As if you needed to know more!

1. What is your favorite thing to snack on while your blogging?
Some kind of soda, I'm addicted you know:) I love me some really salty good chipe too:)

2. What is one thing you wouldn't want to live without?
indoor plumbing, hands down

3. Beach, Mountains, or Farm? Where would you live if you had a choice?
Farm all the way. It's our dream

4. What's your least favorite chore/household duty?
Putting away laundry.

5. Who do people say you remind them of?
hmmm my daughter:)

6. Prefer parties and socializing or staying home with the fam?

7. What's your all time favorite movie?
The Notebook

8. Do you sleep in your make-up or remove it like a good little girl every night?
umm yeah I'm the worst at this. if i take a shower i'm good to go, but no shower = make-up still on. i do wear the mineral stuff that isn't suppose to clog your pours, but i know it's still bad

9. Do you have a hidden talent or a deep desire to learn something that you've never had a chance to learn? What is it?
no hidden talents here, but i do wish i could play the piano

10. What's one strange thing you're really good at?
staying calm... usually i can stay pretty calm in the midst of caos. (most the time)

11. What first attracted you to your spouse?
I thought he was very attractive (his eyes,etc) ;) and a mans man. I needed a strong mans man
12. What is something you love to smell?
my babies and vanilla

13. Tell something about you that you know irritates people.
i NEVER listen to phone messages. i mean really if i see you called i will call you back immidiatly and not listen to the message.

14. When you have extra money, what's the first thing you think to do with it?
Extra money? What's that? ;) It always goes to the kiddos!

15. Are you a silent laugher or a loud laugher? :) In the middle i think

16. Where is your favorite place to shop?
Baby Gad, The Childrens Place...
OH WAIT. Did you mean for me? I'd love to go on a shopping spree at the Target.

17. What's one thing you'd do more often if you had more time?
Read and sleep, they tie

18. Are you a big spender or frugal?
I try to be frugal... definitely, definitely not a big spender.

19. Who is your favorite character of all time?
no idea

20. Would you want to be famous?
No, thank you.

What are some or all of your answers?

Monday, October 26, 2009

The BEST toy ever

Every once in a while you happen upon a toy that is worth every penny that was spent on it, and more:) Henry's Lovie got him this toy about a week ago and boy was/is it a hit in this house!! It is a mini sandbox. It came with all these cool things like tractors, dump truck, rocks (fake of course) little work men, a mini rake and shovel. The whole bit:) Henry will literally play with the quietly as long as he is allowed, we are talking like an hour of quiet Henry here. It is a special toy that he can't play with while Lily is awake so there is limited amount of time for it. And you betcha everyday when Lily goes to bed be it for nap or bed, Henry ask to play with the sandbox until he has to go to sleep. Yay for great toys! (even if I do have to clean up a little bit of sand it's sooo worth it!)

Halloween Party at the Zoo

We had such a wonderful time yesterday! A friend of mine and her family and I have been trying to go to the zoo for tick or treating for two weeks now. Eveytime we had a tenative date set it would end up being rainy and freezing. So this was our last option!! And boy what a day we got:) It was perfect. Cool and sunny. Henry was so excited about going. When he got out of Sunday school the first thing that he said was "go to the zoo now". Poor guy, he had a bit of a break down when we informed him that he was going to have to eat lunch and nap first. He had been thinking about it all week end. But we finally go there and he was leaping for joy:) Poor Lily, we had to wake her from her nap. I purposefully put them down early so we could leave around 4 and try to beat some of the traffic. Well, after hoping that she would wake up I had to get her up. Well if you know Lily, you would probably guess that isn't such a wonderful idea. Nope, she was ticked!! (to say the least) Lily is a sleeper and loves her sleep. And NEEDS her sleep. So of course she woke up in the worst mood ever. The whole time I was kinda bummed because it was so nice I really wanted them to have fun ( and us too ) so thankfully, by the time we got there she was in a MUCH better mood and proceeded to have a great time:)
She was so excited!! And the fish in the cup helped too:)

Snaking on fish in the parking lot

The closest I got to getting to still enough to smile, alas, I tried!

Henry loved his Thomas the Train costume. He picked it out himself and insisted on being called Thomas when he had it on LOL

I got Callie a sweet little hat to be festive. This was the one and only time we saw her the whole time. Doesn't she look like the cutest, most tired little baby ever? lol She was out within minutes of being there and slept almost the entire time. What a good girl:)

I love my little "Thomas"

She really enjoyed looking around at all the other kids in their costumes. :) We all enjoyed that part. And wouldn't you know we didn't see one of the same costume that they had on. Actually we didn't see a whole lot of repeat costumes.

The flower came off a few time but surprisingly stayed on the entire night

He loved the entire night, even checking out the decorations up in the tree.

He had just recieved his first ever piece of Halloween candy. :)

Trying to take a break and eat candy, that's all he wanted to do after a while.

Looking at the fish

Our friends Chris and Jen's little sweety, Laney. She is about six weeks younger than Lily.

She wanted to take a break on the bench

Lily's cute little wings, it was the cutest consume:)

Walking like a big girl. She just loves her daddy, such a daddy's girl:) (she is walking because finally Henry just wanted to sit in the stroller and eat his candy lol)
At the end of the night Kyle took Henry on the carousel. He LOVED it, and got to ride a frog too, what a wonderful night!

Afterwards we met our friends at Tumbleweed and ate dinner. It was already 7:30pm which happens to be Lily's bedtime. I didn't know how dinner was going to go. One because it was sooo late and two, anytime you have three toddlers and one little baby you just never know:) But it went wonderful. What a nice time we had.Then we got home and everyone went to bed. I though we would have some nice quiet time but I should have known ;-) We went out to switch cars and pull Kyle's truck in last for the morning. Well, Mr. Kyle accidentally locked his keys in the truck with it running! Goodness. Well, all I can say is I'm really glad that we have AAA and got to use it! The Rescue Rangers were there in about 30 minutes to unlock his door. So all in all it was a very event full day all the way to the end. And after all that we hit the sack and were both out like in one second. :)

Friday, October 23, 2009


So lately we've been sooo busy. Busy with friends, Dr's apts, Church, family, cooking, babies, lot's of babies, teaching, learning... you name it we've been doing it. Here are some of the few pics I've actually been able to take while all that life is going on :)

Lily with her little backpack, she loves it:)
One of her favorite things to play with is the broom and dustpan... geez

Sleeping beauty

Daddy and Callie

Sweet sweet Cal.... could you been anymore adorable??

hahah not feeling her brothers love so much!

This is such a Henry face!