Sunday, February 7, 2010

These two love each other...

All my children are developing the most amazing sweet relationships with each other. Today I'm going to talk about Callie and Henry and how sweet they are!! Callie was really Henry's first baby. He doesn't remember Lily being small, I think she is more like his twin then baby sister. But Callie is "his baby" as he says. He just loves her and she just loves him:) It is the cutest thing. No matter what mood she is in she gets sooo excited anytime she sees him. She startes to babble and bounch up and down when he comes over to her. He can make her belly laugh at all times. :) Esp. in the car since she stares at him the whole time. They are truly a pair, I love their relationship!!! How wonderful it will be to see it develop and grow!