Sunday, September 30, 2007

Crawling, creeping........ EVERYWHERE!

So Henry is officially anywhere he wants to be now. Which typically means were he shouldn't be.
But he has so much fun. He pulls up on everything he can and wants to walk so bad. Something tells me it won't be long! He also loves loves loves to watch Curious George. It's really cute. He is such a joy.
On the new baby front, I am now 13 weeks and passing safely into the second trimester. Thats makes me feel so much better literally and mentally! My belly is growing by leaps and bounds. I now have a little bump again. It seems I didn't get to not have one for very long:) I think this baby is starting to feel more like a reality. We really have put it on the "back burner" so to speak. We are just so busy. It really doesn't feel very real. But everyday it gets more and more real that in not too long of a time we will be a family or FOUR!! which is weird and have two babies under two. Kinda scary at times very exciting no matter what.


david, blair, and sadie beth said...

I bet Henry is keeping you busy now! Glad you are feeling better, and hooray for the 2nd trimester. Let's try to catch up soon...I still have your formula! Oh, and I love the big patchwork rug in your living room!

Abby said...

He's gotten even bigger since the last time I saw him! Hope you're doing well. We need to catch up!
Talk to you soon.

OH- and will you e-mail me your address?


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