Monday, September 17, 2007

Well lets see, I had a Dr. appointment today and everything is great!! We actually got to hear the heart beat this time and I didn't even realize it until we got to the Dr. Things are going by so fast this time, no doubt because I have a little one to run around after and not as much time to obsess on the fact that I'm pregnant! The Doppler picked up the heartbeat really fast, which suppirsed the dr. since I'm 11 weeks, she thought it might be harder to find. And it was a strong 155 beats! I cried, I always cry. But it's so good to know all is well in there and my little peanut if growing good. :)
I guess thats all for now, I will start taking pregnancy pictures soon. I just have to find time:)
Oh yes, and that is really surprising, how much faster you show after your first. I have already begun to show! And I haven't really gained weight, Dr. said it's just everything stretches out faster once it's been stretched already.
Also, wanted to let everyone know, esp. family, that I changed the settings on my comment area so anyone can leave a comment, even if you don't have a blog!
It's bedtime for someone very sleepy so off to bed we go......


BabyCollier said...

Glad to hear everything is coming along ok!! Has your sickness subsided at all?
I'm blowing up like a stinking blimp! ugh, it's so not fair haha! I feel like every picture I take could be a "before" picture in the "before and after" set for my intended weight watchers membership after pregnancy.