Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day in Bama....

What a weekend! We went to Alabama to visit family and to celebrate my cousin graduating high school and my Pop's 80's birthday. We had such a wonderful time, even with everything that happened. On the way there, about 10 min. from there house our car broke down. It was quite a scene the four of us stranded on the side of an express way. My dad and uncle came to pick us up and had to car towed. Turned out that our engine basically blew up, cracked right down the center. Well, needless to say it wasn't worth it to fix it and we sold it to the owner of the shop. But even though that happened and on the way home Henry had two exploded diapers, it was really a great trip. I miss that all my family so much.

Here is Henry on the way home watching the DVD that Aunt Christy sent with us. He is such a good trip taker!
This is my cousin Erin with Lily on Sunday morning before church.

I just love the look on her face. I wish that the hat was up a little but it's so cure none the less.
And big grins all weekend.

Henry outside at Aunt Lindas by the pool. This was at the birthday party on Saterday for my pop.

He just loved the gator!!! He would pretend like he was driving and would climb in and out of it over and over again.

My cousin Hanna and Lily. She slept the whole day!

Uncle Matt and Henry

My Aunts and Nana and Pop. Doesn't he look fabulous for 80!!

My sweet Nana and her first great grand daughter

cousin Kaleb and Lily

Sweet Henry eating his oatmeal in the morning

Another Erin and Lily, she just loves the babies

Pop held Lily ALOT!! It was so sweet

Lily on her first road trip. Let me tell you that she isn't a fan of the car AT ALL! But she will get used to it eventually.......... right?

Eating chicken nuggets on the way there. He is soooo good.

cutie little frog getting out of the bath with Pap (my dad)