Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Busy but fun!!

It seems like my posts are not a often as I'd like. But our days are being filled with things like Bible study (yay!) friends, parks, naps, nursing, playing, and so on:) And I've been horrible at taking pictures lately!
But things are so fun right now. Anticipating fall's arrival, I just love fall weather! I started my mom's Bible study today and can I tell you how refreshing it is to be back. This time I'm not getting ready to deliver, and don't' have a newborn. Well I guess I do still have a newer baby, but we are sleeping so we're good! I feel like I can really dedicate myself this semester and I just love the ladies in my group. I have a feeling God has a lot he wants to show me in the next few months and I'm so excited!! The kids love their classes and it's so nice for them to spend some time away from me playing and learning about God.

Here are some pictures of my two little trouble makers. They are partners in crime, I tell you. Lily had learned all she knows from her expert in getting into trouble brother. They are a mess. Today when I picked Lily up from her class I was talking with one of her teachers. We have known each other a while and her son is Henry's age. She laughed and said something to the effect of "wow, she is a busy girl! constantly on the go and into everything.... and you have Henry at home too, wow I don't know how you do it" LOL It's true, she does everything that Henry does, or tries to at least. And she is busy, they are busy!! But the truth is I've never had a sedate child so this is all I know:) If I ever do have one I might think they are sick or something is wrong!!
As you can see they are a team and rarely, if ever, away from each other. I was doing laundry and they decided the empty basket was perfect for them. Actually I think Lily was trying to be alone so she could "write" on her paper. But alas, it didn't work!:)

I thought this was cute. Both girls playing in their little toys. Well actually Lily is in Callie's toy too. I think she likes this more than when she was actually little enough to play with it!

Like I said before, they are always on the go and finding new ways to get into mischief.:) Two peas in a pod I tell you!

I never get pictures of the bigger babies sleeping since I don't step foot in their bedrooms until they are awake. But on this morning I had to wake sleeping beauty up for church.


katy said...

I love the picture of Lily in the cabinet! So precious. :) I hope you are doing well! As soon as we shake our colds I want to see you and your cute family.