Saturday, September 19, 2009

Callie Joy 3 months old!

I can't believe my little bitty girl is 3 months old!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really, the way time flies, it's insane and sad. What can I say, she is wonderful!! She is sooo good. She smiles, loves to "talk" and giggle. She is incredibly ticklish, and won't take a bottle for nothing!!! She likes to play on her play mat, and sucks on her arm when she is in her crib right now. I'm hoping that she will find her fingers soon. I LOVE her last feeding (around 9pm) because she is sooo sound asleep I just get to cuddle her and look at her sweet face. She travels great and is doing sooo good in the nursery at church. We love her a whole lot and forget what life was like w/o her:)
Happy three months my sweet darling girl ;-)

Talken to mama:)