Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ummm mexican!!

We just LOVE Mexican food. And as you can see, Lily has decided she loves it too. She had her first taste of salsa last night and LOVED it. As you can see she required her very own bowl and chips. LOL She actually could have used the same chip because she was using it like a spoon and sucking the salsa off it. :)

Henry and Pop goofing off

I thought this was cute. Henry having him "hot foffie" in the morning. AKA juice.

If you click on this to make it bigger you can really tell how irritate he was at me for taking his picture. Hahaha I love this face.

And this is what I get these day's when I go to get these two out of the bath. They work together against me....


katy said...

Love it! Kendra does the same thing with her chip in salsa too! She will keep using the same chip over and over again. :)

The bathtub picture is too funny, what little goofballs!