Thursday, September 1, 2011


Oh my goodness, I just want to eat her up. My baby. My sweet baby girl. She is simply delightful, in all her spunkiness even, completely delightful. I can't believe she is almost one. It's probably the hardest one year old birthday for me yet. I've always had a baby, so even as one was hitting their year milestone I knew I always had another almost here that would hit a year one day. But this month, watching this sweet thing grow fast, and I mean fast! It's a new sadness I have yet to experience. I know us mom's always say we wish we had a pause button, but scanning through pics of all my kids right now, deep inside I would almost do anything to be able to keep my kids this little. And the sad part is there is no stopping it. And it just gets faster and faster. She's going to start walking soon, I'm sure of it... and then there will be six walkers and that will be it. Six walkers, no crawlers, no crawlers even on the horizon... and it makes part of me sad. She is so perfectly squshey right now, soon she will grow more and that baby fat will melt away, yes a pause button right now would be amazing. Boy do I love these kids.


Bagraybeal said...

She's all your children are. :) I always tell mine they are disobeying me because I've told them to stop growing!! Those littles silly. Enjoy each moment!!