Friday, September 30, 2011

My baby is a year! goodness me.

How in the world did this little love.....

Become this not so little love????

Happy happy birthday to my sweet Sidney Claire!! We just love you so much. It's so hard when you are pregnant to imagine another little life in your family and then just like that, after you are born it's impossible to imagine life without you! What a blessing you are to our family. You are quite the rascle and are everywhere. You might possibly be the worlds fastest crawler! :) Not walking yet but why would you when you can crawl the speed of light?! You want to do everything the other three do, and you notice when you are left out. You love all foods, no matter what and you eat everything. No more bottle for you but you do love your sippy. I'm pretty sure you are teething like crazy and have been quite the cranky girl lately but you are still the cutest cranky one year old ever :) :) You love to go to bed when you are tired, not tired, not so much. You LOVE daddy and want him the moment he walks in the door. You find your siblings so funny and no one can make you belly laugh quite like them. You LOVE your binkey, and would prefer for me to let you have it all day long. You are my first girl to take one and I must say it is so nice to have it when you are cranky! You LOVE bath time, which is funny b/c you had a STRONG dislike when you were tiny. Oh and music, you love music, but when we play Amazing Grace by Chris Tomlin in the car you sing! It is seriously the sweetest thing ever. You give such good kisses and love to pat people that you love. This first year flew by and I just pray that I can slow myself and our lives down enough to be able to say I am taking full advantage of ever moment I get to be your mommy! I am truly blessed!