Thursday, October 20, 2011

I got this from a blog of a friend of mine Thank you Jana for reminding me of these sweet truthes!! I love your family

If you come to our house, chances are--
--there will be at least a few toys on the floor and in the yard
--there will be fingerprints on the windows
--it will be noisy and slightly chaotic (mostly laughter and playing=good noise to my ears)
--we will be dressed very casually (all day PJ days are just fine with me!)
--there will be crumbs under the kitchen table
--somebody will need something from me and I may seem distracted
--dishes will be in the sink
--there will a load of laundry waiting to be washed or folded

But I am OK with all that because there will be a day with no scattered toys, no fingerprints to remind me of all the little people that live here, all will be quiet, I will be able to get dressed up and go where I want to go, the floor will be spotless because adults just eat too neatly, I will be able to give you my complete and undivided attention, I'll have so few dishes that I will be able to wash them quickly, and laundry will be not an overwhelming task.....and that makes the noise, chaos, dirt, clutter and busyness a beautiful thing in my book these days. I'm choosing to be present with and for my can be harder than anticipated as I am a "all my ducks in a row" girl. But I have been convicted lately...and I need to listen.

Feeling very blessed to be mommy to my kiddos today....