Monday, October 31, 2011

Seven awesome years!

Well it was yesterday actually. I feel like we had been celebrating all weekend :) we actually have. What can I say besides I realize how amazingly blessed Kyle and I are. We started out rocky. Not our relationship but the foundation our relationship was built on. I was a wondering believer not walking with the Lord and Kyle wasn't yet a believer at all. We lived together before marriage, did things that put us in the "high risk to get a divorce" category, you name it. But just like the soverance of our Lord, He knew what he was doing long before Kyle and I ever did. And I can tell you the summer of 2005, when we both submitted to God, together, and were baptized, everything changed. I mean like that everything changed. And the closer we have both grown to God, the closer and more secure our marriage has been. Is it always roses.... um no. But we have made a commitment to each other and to God that we will be one body for the rest of our lives. Love is a choice, happiness is a choice. I choose to submit to him as our family leader and make him feel respected. When I don't, we have issues. He chooses to love and appreciate me. When he doesn't we feel it. When we are moving forward with our eye's on Jesus, everything else falls into place. And when something ugly rears is head albeit be jealously, stubbornness, anger, selfishness, etc if we are still striving toward our Godly goal then He, in all his graciousness, convicts our hearts and leads us toward mending any hurt that those sinful things caused us. My prayer is that our eyes are eternally on him. And that in 50 years, saying we live that long, we can still be holding hands, enjoying all of our grand babies, and know the joy that was meant to be understood through the covenant of marriage.