Monday, October 17, 2011

Lexus instead of a child?

I've been thinking :) Well I think a lot of things, but there is something that just flabbergast me, and I don't and can't understand a bit of it. Let me start off by saying I do not think that God has a huge family plan for everyone on the planet. Maybe He does maybe He doesn't I'm not here to make that call. But the one thing that is painfully obvious to me as our family expands is this epidemic, if you will, of selfish or monetary decision making. When people see that we have four kids the first thing they will ask (or close second) is "what does your husband do"? And then if we get into a conversation it will almost always move into how we budget to make it work, how many vacations we can't take, how we must really have to sacrifice, etc etc. And I find when talking to people about children in general they want just enough to "complete their family" while not putting a monetary strain on their lives..... really? I see EVERYWHERE that the mindset of our culture today is that things will bring us just as much happiness as children, really? That the ability to have a big house, new cars, multiple family vacations, expensive schooling, nail appointments all the time, etc. is just as wonderful as a precious child. The list could go on and on and on. But to actually look at those thing, which don't get me wrong I like just as much as the next girl, and say that I would rather be able to take vacations or drive a new Odyssey rater than bring into our family a little handmade blessing from the Lord to shine a light into a very dark world...I don't get it and it is very sad. Look at the hundreds of celebrities that have EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING their heart desires. Can go on as many vacations as they want, can drive any car, live in any size house, and yet many of them go to their graves alone and sad. Like I said not making a judgment on what someone and God have decided about anyone's family. But I grantee that if that decision is made because of things, passing things that really mean nothing at all in the long term, that is one sad thing to me.