Tuesday, March 11, 2008

36 week appointment

Yesterday we had our 36 week appointment. Everything still looks great. She is really low in my pelvis, hints ALL the pressure and discomfort. My strep test came back negative, which is such a praise!! And I only gained one pound so that is awesome. I am at a grand total of 29 pounds, and am sooooo proud of that. I know some women would NEVER post that. But, since I gained.... are you ready?........ 55-60 lbs with Henry. ( yes , I know you can gasp ) This time we are doing so good!!!
And we were talking about her weight and Dr. Nett still swears we are still talking about an average sized baby here. She thinks she only weighs around six pounds right now. I will just be amazed if she is 8 or under when she is born. If I'm still pregnant at my 39 week appointment we will do an ultra sound and get an estimated weight, but she isn't worried.
So there is Lily's update. I hope we get to meet her soon, I'm getting sooo antsy!