Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Week 37 and counting......

We had our 37 week apt yesterday and all is well and good. We are finally "full term" so that is a great point to get too. Now if she is born she is ready. And we are ready when she is. I'm two centimeters and she is still head down. We think about 6 1/2 lbs. I feel like a bomb waiting to go off yet again. That is the only way that I can explain this part of pregnancy. You just never know when that first real contraction will start and you life will change once again. I hope sooner than later!
Henry is better. He has been out of sorts for about ummm two weeks. And it has been very very hard on us all. The past three days he has actually had a fever and felt just awful. This morning he woke up and didn't have one at all, thank you God. He is actually playing with his toys in the living room all by himself right now, which is great since one of the things he hasn't wanted to do is play by himself AT ALL! He also ate a great dinner last night and breakfast this morning, which is something he hasn't wanted to do either, eat. (except for goldfish!)

I feel sooo guilty these days about not being able to play with him like I would like to. I'm just sooo big and sooo tired. I know he can tell. Also, I'm not as comfy to cuddle with. And he lets me know. There is no good way to cuddle up on a huge belly although he will try for a while at a time.I will be glad when he can curl up in my lap and have room to be there again. I'm sure he will appreciate it too. Here he is coming home from a dinner at Ernesto's. Let's just say is was the worst restaurant experience ever, and I was so stressed out that I wanted to pull my hair out of my head. But now I look back and can't help but laugh. Anyway he really wanted to play with the straw to our drinks all night. (Actually he wanted to use the straw to play in the sweet tea) But anyway, he held onto it the whole way home. He still loves to have things in his mouth. He has moved on from socks to other things as you can see.
Sweet sick little guy in his jammies. He smiles even if it was the only smile that night. Oh yes, and he loves this cup. It is his daddy's coffee cup. Any chance he has he will get it and pretend to drink out of it. I told kyle when he is big enough to drink out of one we will have to get him his own, it makes him so happy!

And now, as you can see this is him today. Mr smiles and personality. We will see how the rest of the day goes, but I've learned you take it when you can get it.


Abby said...

Did you really write this at 6:45 this morning? Oh- that makes me tired!!
Hang in there! I'm thinking of you lots.

Katie R said...

Congratulations on making it this far!!! I am glad Henry is feeling better. Does it feel like Spring there, yet? It's been gorgeous here! I took a long walk this morning (I'm on spring break) I look forward to living someplace where it's less traffic and stuff but oh well. Melanie and Ryan were here last week and that was awesome. Miss you and love you. You are in our prayers!