Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Baby update

So Lily is still in my belly :) We went in yesterday for our 38 week check and my cervix is favorable and I'm 3 - 3 1/2 cm dilated. I had been having contractions all week so I'm glad they were doing something. She swept my membranes and said she couldn't believe that I wasn't in labor yet. After some talking about her size (she just started measuring a bit big) and some other things we decided to induce this Friday!!! Now with Henry I wouldn't have done it. But I do trust Dr. Nett and she assured me that because my body is already so far along that inducing won't put me or baby at any additional risk. C-section is my BIGGEST!! fear but I will just pray that doesn't happen. I when I got home yesterday I lost my mucus plug and have been having cramps and contractions on and off so we shall see if she makes her debut a bit earlier. But if not Friday is the day. It is really weird knowing (kinda) when she is going to come. I have mixed feelings about it for sure. I mean it is nice having Henry and knowing when to expect it. It makes it A LOT easier to plan when and where he will be. So that is nice. But I think you start to anticipate and think about things much more. I keep counting down and thinking about things. I know this little girl is such a blessing from God and we are going to love her SOOOO much and so will Henry. But you just can't help but feel bad for him. How different things are going to be. And how these are our last days with just him and us. It almost makes me cry every time I think about it. I know those feelings aren't from God because this is His plan and it is going to be wonderful. Plus, I'm the biggest proponent of kids having siblings:) I just worry about him. I know he will be fine. With all the friends and family we are blessed to have here he will be just fine!
Well now I'm rambling so I'll go. I'll keep everyone posted on any happenings between Friday and now.


Raining Crafts & Dogs said...

How exciting! Good luck and God bless. Can't wait to hear all about Little Miss! :)

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you ALL. What a tremendous blessing. I wish you the best of luck with a fast delivery of Lily.
Please, email me and let me know when she arrives.

Love to all;

Anonymous said...

Have Kyle send me an email when she arrives with a few pics.

Can't wait to see her. I follow Henry weekly on your blog.

Wish I could see you all. You have a beautiful family.


katy said...

Sounds like it's coming up soon! I'm excited to see what she looks like. :)

david, blair, and sadie beth said...

ooh...i'm so excited...so i know you are feeling about 100x my excitement. Keep us posted!

Jackie Bragg said...

I am sure Henry will do great as a big brother. I am not pregnant with my second yet but I am already thinking about how Addie will adjust. Good luck!

Katie R said...

Lily's arrival will just make your white picket fence life even more perfect :) now all you need is a horse. Love you! you are in our prayers. I cannot wait for next year's Christmas card!