Friday, March 28, 2008


So here I sit, it is 6 am and I have been wide awake since 4. :( I hate insomnia. I called Baptist at 5am like I was suppose to, to just have them tell me that I was still on hold (whatever that means) and that they would be calling me in the next few hours to tell me to come in. Sooooo I'm just waiting.
I miss Henry. It is so weird waking up without him in the house. I really so love getting up in the morning to got get him out of his crib. I love our mornings together and feeding him his cereal. You know I would think it would be a much need relief not worrying about him but it's not. I miss him so much already. I can't imagine the next three days without him being there.
So, I wait. I just hope that they call sooner than later. If it takes a really long time I'm not going to be home until at least Monday. Ahhhhh.