Thursday, March 19, 2009

Moving up.....

Henry is sleeping........ in his big bed:( And I'm surprisingly so sad. I guess I didn't expect him to like it or to do it so easily. The idea that he is out of his crib just makes me cry. Actually it did make me cry and I might again just thinking about it.

I went out today and purchased the side rail for his twin bed. He has always had a twin bed in his room. I put it together and on the bed just to see how it fit. Well, I really didn't expect him to want to sleep there. But sure enough, after we read our stories, we walked into his bedroom and I ask him if he wanted to sleep in the big bed. He said "OH!" which in Henry lingo means yes. And he walked over and threw all his friends (turtle, poo bear, beanie bird, and beanie goat) over the side rail. So I picked him up laid him up on his pillow and tucked him in. I truly expected him to get out. To cry. To SOMETHING!! But instead I peaked in about 15 min. later to find him passed out in his big bed like a big boy..... and then I cried.

It seriously kills me to watch my babies grow up so fast. I really have enjoyed every stage so far and it does makes me so sad that those stages don't last long at all. Speaking of stages my almost one year old little girl is talking and playing in her room, and has been oh, about an hour. She is trying to switch from one nap to two, but when she takes a morning nap that is it. So I guess morning naps are out for her now. :) Oh the changes!!!


david, blair, and sadie beth said...

Aww...sweet Henry. And wow about Lily! That is early to switch naps. Have you tried shortening her morning nap to still get in 2? That worked for us for awhile.

Lindsay said...

Awww, Jenn...I'm going to have to move Reagan into a big girl bed sooner than I thought and I'm dreading it. She does so well in her crib and I can't imagine her sleeping anywhere else! I'm so glad he did so well!