Wednesday, March 4, 2009

sweet quality time

Yesterday I got to spend the day with my sweet baby boy. Well, he is becoming much more then a baby, but he's still mine just the same. I don't remember the last time we spent the day just me and him. This morning my mom came over in the morning before my Wed. Bible study, and had some quality Lily time. Henry and I went to Bible study, he loves it! And then we went to lunch at Chick-fil-Lay, yum!! He played in the play area for a bit. And then we ran some errands. One of them involved going to the pet store and he just loved it!! The birds, the fish, and best of all the "Kitty cats" he could have patted them played with them all day. Every time we left a store after that he said "bye bye kitty cat" . It was adorable. We really had such a fun day. By the time we headed home he was exhausted. So exhausted that he fell asleep in the car. He never does that. I tried singing , even giving him a cookie, but nothing could keep those sweet little eyes open.

I can't explain how much I enjoy being with him. He is really just the most precious child. As much as he is two, and a handful of energy, he is an absolute delight. :)


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sunshine...I am so glad the day with Henry was wonderful, my time with Miss Lily was too just as wonderful...Have a wonderful Friday will see you in the morning..hugs to you and the babies...Mom