Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Well, I did not misspell some very bad word, this is what Henry calls frogs, and he loves them. He spends time on the computer with Kyle looking and listening to frogs and such. lol Well today Kyle brought Henry home a little surprise that he found at a house he was working at. It was a tree frog. I have never seen one of these little guys up here. They are actually pretty cute, wayyy cuter than toads that I really don't care for. Anyway, Henry was soooo excited to get to watch this "frock". He could have watched the thing for hours I think. He was so excited!
Seriously, could have watch the frog all day:)

The little guy

I love this pic. He followed him around the deck.

And finally had to say goodbye. :( He was so sad and just didn't understand why we had to let him back into a bush. He did cry a bit but only for a bit:)


katy said...

So cute! Henry is such a boy, I love it. :)