Sunday, June 21, 2009

The story.....

We are home and so happy about it. There is no place like home, especially when you've been in a hospital room for three days:) Little miss Callie Joy entered our world so fast it's hard to believe it's already come. Here is how it happened.

It was Thursday. I have a Bible study every Thursdays and we went along with our day like normal. After we got home and as I was getting the kids ready for nap I had a few contractions. No big deal, I had been having them since 30 weeks. So I continued with the day. I was very very tired and actually took a almost 2 hour nap while the kids napped. (thank goodness) Kyle called to let me know he was running late at work and wouldn't be home on time. Boo. So I cleaned up the house, put clothes away, and then made dinner and fed the kids. I got the kids ready for bed and then Kyle got home around 7:30. This whole time I had been having scattered contractions. But nothing that I thought much about. While we were having dinner I had a few and Kyle looked at me. He ask "are you in labor?" I laughed. "No" I said. I have a problem with denial and am never convinced that labor is real until the very end. Anyway he looked at me and said " you just had three in ten minutes, I think this might be it". I shrugged. Maybe I said be I really didn't think so.

As the night went on they got more and more regular. By this time I was thinking maybe this was it. Maybe I would have a baby this weekend. :) lol Anyway, after the kids were in bed Kyle said he knew I was in labor and was going to bed to get some sleep. So I decided to take a shower to see if it would make the contractions go away. Nope. Kyle ask me if he thought that I should call my parents and give them a heads up just in case this was the night. I didn't think so but then I decided to listen to him(thank goodness) and gave her a call. I told her what was going on but no to get all excited. I told her that it would probably be a while but I just wanted her to know.

Kyle went to bed and I started timing my contractions on the computer. It was around 11 now. They were averaging 5-6 minutes apart. Hmmm, that was close together. But I didn't think that they were all that bad. I couldn't sleep through them but I did lay down a few times on the couch to try to rest. No luck. So I updated Facebook, sent some emails, and chatted with my birth teacher/friend online about labor. I was a little worried because everyone talked about fast your third could be. So I was asking her opinion on when to go. Then I tried to lay down again. Kyle came out of the bedroom after a while and told me I sure was making a lot of noise through the contractions. He thought we should call mom and get her to come out there so we could leave. I listened even though I still didn't think that I was in enough pain to leave. So we called her, this is about 2pm. And then they started. As I was running around trying to get everything together they started coming on top of each other. It was like a switch flipped and I had no idea what to do. The contractions had me on the floor a few times because I couldn't even move through them. At this point they were around one-two min. apart.

My mom got to our house at 2:20am and out the door we flew. Kyle opened the front door for me and immediately I said no way. There was no way in heck I could sit in that seat. So I ripped open the back door and got in the back of the van. So there I was on my hands and knees moaning (very loudly) through my back to back contractions. Kyle is driving, fast I presume, to the hospital. Every time he went around a turn I wanted to scram and punch him because I couldn't keep my balance. lol. It seemed like it took forever, it was torture being in the back of that van. I told him I was really going to kill someone if we got there and I was only 4cm. He just chuckled and said he didn't think that that was possible. We pull up to Baptist. Kyle runs in the doors to try to find someone, because he didn't think I could walk. But I couldn't be in that car another minute. So I opened the door and told Kyle we needed to go. Up the elevator we went. We went to the front desk and I tried to answer as many questions as I could. At this point I was leaning on the desk, moaning, and crying. They finally got me back to the room and somehow in a gown and in the bed. By that time the Dr. was almost there and the nurse (who was wonderful) was checking me. It was now around 3am.

All I remember her saying is yep, she's 100% and 8cm!!!!!!!! What! I couldn't believe it. So at that point about 8 nurses and the Dr. came in. It was my nurses and whole "baby crew". lol It was crazy. Through this whole time, I was having major contractions. And the nurses just kept saying "breath in and out, breath slow, don't cry, good job, your great" lol I didn't feel great. No to mention they couldn't get a dern IV in my hand or arm. My veins kept blowing. So in between my crazy awful contractions they were poking me like I was a pin cushion. Anyway the Dr.checked me again and I was 9cm. She said she could break my water and that the baby would come if I wanted. I told her to do whatever she needed to to make her come out. So up in stirrups my legs went. It was sooo surreal. Then she broke my water. And she said "yep she is going to come" and then that next contraction happened and I tried to push. OH MY GOSH! I have never ever experienced anything like that. My body totally took over and there was nothing I was in control of. But I also didn't want it to happen. Right at that moment I remember thinking " there is no way I can do this, this baby is not coming out this way, I want to go home" lol no such luck. I was screaming and didn't think that I could do it. So then right after that my Dr. looked right at me. She basically told me that I HAD to not scream, because every time I did that it took away from the push. That I just needed one good push and it would be all over. Well needless to say that next contraction I pushed with everything I had. Not that I had a choice. I did scream again, but only as she was exiting my body. Really, it was the most amazing, awful, indescribable experience ever! And the moment they put her little body up on my belly everything was worth it. It was sound very cliche' but it's true. She was beautiful and big. :) And I couldn't have been happier. She looked just like her big brother right when she was born.

The rest of that was a complete blurr. They got me taken care of and got her cleaned up. She nursed like a pro and was soooo sweet. They took her to nursery after a while and Kyle and I talked about what a crazy blur that was. I mean we got to the hospital at 2:45 and she was born at 3:24am. If I had not listened to my sweet husband about calling my mom and leaving, I think we might not have made it. We cut it very close:) I was joking with Kyle earlier this week that I hoped that I could just make it at the last moment so I had to go natural, because that's what I wanted. Well, I WAS just kidding. It really was a blessing that I had every intention on going natural too, because I was too far along to have any drugs anyway. If I had gone in there fully expecting an epidural, I would have freaked out if I couldn't have had one. So it was wonderful that that was the plan all along.

Would I do it again.... the whole no drugs thing. Ask me in about a month:) No really. Right afterwards I would have said no way in heck! But now, after the whole thing is over I am saying more and more probably. Even though it was pain like I could never have imagined, It felt sooo good afterwards. Really, it was my fastest recovery ever. So minus the major pain there was a lot of good things that went along with it. Plus, I did feel awesome about doing it. The best part of everything though, was getting my baby girl. She is beautiful and fits in just like I knew she would. A new little angel sent our way, perfect in every way!!


katy said...

Oh my WORD, Jenn! What a crazy story! Your van trip to the hospital sounds AWEFUL! :) Congrats on your natural labor and delivery, you are AMAZING! :D

Jackie Bragg said...

That is incredible! I am glad to hear that you and baby Callie are doing well. I can't imagine. What a blessing!!!