Saturday, July 11, 2009

Long lost shoes...

Well it has been about three weeks since I've seen these cute little shoes. They are Lily's. And they are pedi peds so they are quite expensive for little shoes. Well about three weeks ago they disappeared. I mean literally vanished. I had them on Sunday and by Monday I had no clue where they were. I tore the house apart looking for them. My friend and my mom cleaned my house up, and I had hopes maybe they would come across them, to no avail. And they were her only white shoes that went with everything. She has pink ones but this was the only white pair.

Well Mr. Henry was playing in her room this morning and ran to Kyle and I and said "Lily's shoes". I jumped up and followed him. What the heck. We have been asking him if he knew where they were for the past three weeks so he knew that we were looking for them. Well he ran over the the air vent in her room that he had removed the vent cover from and pointed in "Lily's shoes!!" And sure enough, down in the vent, were Lily's shoes!! Yay!!! Never been so excited to see a pair of shoes before:) Thanks Henry.