Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sweet blessings

This have been fun around here. Considering the wonderful weather, it was 80 here today!!! We have been outside A LOT :) And since my camera is up and running I've had more time to snap some cute pics of the kids.

These days there is only a few times you can actually get a picture of Henry, one when he is being hammy like here...This is one of her many "faces" the crooked mouth look . love it !

So happy in the morning. She looks sooo much like her daddy and brother as a baby here!!

Love that sweet little body and round head!

We have gone through a rough spat with ear infections lately. Here is what she thought of hers on this particular day.... pitiful I tell ya!

Here is the other time you can shoot Henry, when he is lounging... and he was lounging!