Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fun at the water front!!!

Today we had such a fun day!! My brother, Matt(the one on the right) worked for a bicycle rental down at the water front this summer. He is getting ready to go back to Murry for the semester so we went down to spend the day with him and my other brother Billy. (on the right) We got this HUGE six seater bike, more like bus really, and went for about an hour ride all along the water front. Henry LOVED it!!!!!! He has so much fun in his kid basket in the front of the bike. I thought at first he might be kinda scared but no sir. He just smiled, laughed, screamed, and played. He had so much fun. And I rode with Lily strapped in her baby biorn on my chest. She slept though the whole ride.

And then, after the bike ride we played in the water spouts down at the water front. Henry loved this as well. Oh he just has so much fun!!! The boys just love him, he's lucky to have such awesome uncles.

There are a lot of pictures of him in the water but he was too cute in there. He would put his face right in front of the holes and wait for for water to shoot out in his face. What a silly guy:)

And to wrap up such a fun day, where elts do you go but McDonald's??? We ate some yummy chicken nuggets (I think he may turn into one actually) and then Matt and Billy played in the play ground with him. He went all the way to the top and down the curly slide. ( So did uncle Matt )

Lily had about as much fun as a four month old can have on an outing like this. But as you can see she is still as cute as ever. I know this one is abit blurry but it's just so sweet.

Uncle Billy played in the little playhouse with Henry.

What a fun day. And it was BEAUTIFUL!! outside. We are so blessed to have such and amazing family close enough to do things like this with. :)


katy said...

It looks like you all had so much fun! :)