Monday, August 13, 2007

How Hot Can It Get?

It was hot!! I mean really hot. Last Thrusday our air conditioner went out. Yep, on one of the hottest days in the year we had no ac. So we stayed with our in-laws, which was wonderful, until it was fixed, on Saturday. Thank goodness we now have air and we can get on with life again:) You really don't know how much you take for granted until you don't have it anymore.
This past week-end was nice. On Saturday we went and spent some time with friends at a birthday party, it was so nice. Henry got to hang out with two other babies and swim in the pool with his daddy. He loved the pool. I've never seen him so happy. They were in their forever! When little Henry got out his toes and fingers were prunes. :)
I am feeling good most of the time. I get really really tired now though. When I was pregnant with Henry I always came home from work and took a nap. Now I can't really do that having a baby to take care of. But yesterday, after church, I came home and Henry took a late nap and so did I. A two hour nap!!! And I was feeling pretty nauseous yesterday as well so I think my body really needed a break. So it took one. I am six weeks today, about the time I got really sick with Henry, so all I can do is hope maybe this one will be different.
Here are some pictures of the party, Henry has soooo much fun:)

This is Henry and Joshua, Henry really didn't know what to think about the "big boy"

And this is Henry's new love... Ms. Scarlott (don't know about the spelling) She is exactly two months younger than him, and too cute. This was her first pool experience!

And last but not least, this is daddy and Henry in the pool, by this time he is almost worn out, but he did just love the water!


Abby said...

Glad to hear you got your AC fixed!
I hope you don't get too sick!! I know exactly how you feel.

Talk to you soon.

katy said...

Sorry to hear that you're feeling sick! You'll just have to start napping when Henry does, I'm sure having a little one with morning sickness can't be fun!

Anonymous said...

Good words.