Friday, August 3, 2007

What a Blessing!

Today I had to write about Necole's Place. I have been volunteering there for about a month now and absolutely love it. The love in that building is just contagious. And then those sweet kids. Necole's Place is a sister company of A Woman's Choice Resource Center in Louisville Kentucky. A Woman's Choice is a pro life crisis pregnancy center. It is there for women who have found out they are pregnant, don't know if they are pregnant, have had an abortion and need help dealing with their loss and healing from it, and so much more. So many little lives are saved because of that center!! And so many women are saved from making one of the greatest mistakes they will ever know. So then came Necole's Place to have somewhere for the women to go for help and support after they decide to keep the baby. Most of the women are in that situation because they have no where to go and no support at all. This is a way that after making that decision then they have somewhere to get the help they need. They can take parenting classes, get their GED, cooking classes, Bible studies, sewing classes, and many other things all in a very loving, Christian, environment.
Henry goes with me on Wed and we are there all day. He plays in the kids room where the moms that come in can bring their kids while they are in classes. It has been such blessing to get to know the children and the moms. There is so much hope in their eyers and you can really see God working every minute you are there. It's truly amazing!!
The neatest part ,to me, is knowing that many of the children at the center playing with my little one, they were babies that were going to be aborted. They are so sweet and to look at them and see the people that they are and to know that without some kind of intervention they probably wouldn't be here today, it's really moving. What a wonderful place God has placed in my life!! A true blessing:)
“That’s what I envision ‘Necole’s Place’ doing for the women who participate in the programs offered: God using this place to lift up their heads, giving them confidence and a Christ-centered future, offering the kind of encouragement and hopefulness that only God can provide.”
By: Martha Michels
Director/Necole's Place


Abby said...

Send me an e-mail sometime and we'll get together! My e-mail address is

I work on Tuesdays, but other than that we're pretty available. We need to do it soon!