Monday, August 6, 2007

One more makes.... Four!!!

O.k so I wasn't going to post anything about this until I went to the Dr. next Thursday. But it seems many people already know and if anything is going to happen then I will just have to deal with it all the same. So here we go!!
The Armour family is expecting a new addition in April 2008!! Henry will be a big brother and we are so excited and happy about it. It was a surprise, being that Henry is only seven months old, but wonderful non the less. We want a big family and we think it will be wonderful for Henry to have someone so close to his age.
I am only five weeks today to it is still really really early. I remember how scary this time was for me last time, and I thought maybe it would be better this time. But it is not!! It's like you really want to be excited but then every time you think about it then you can't help but worry, "what if something goes wrong". I think when I was pregnant with Henry my worrying never stopped until I had him in my arms, I was convinced that somehow I would not end up with a baby! And even now I still worry just not about not having him. Now it's actually about his life!
ahhh it never ends.:) But I also know that all we can do is pray and it isn't in our hands, it's in Gods. Very much easier said then done, but true non the less.
Telling the family was a lot of fun. We bought a shirt for Henry that said "Big Brother" and put it on him around the family. Sue, Kyle's mom got it pretty easy. Bobby, Kyle's dad, it took him a while. Actually we had to spell it out for him because he really didn't get it. :) My dad it took forever for him to even notice the shirt and my brothers didn't get it at first either. Wow family.... slow.
lolol And my mom got it fast too. I guess it's a girl thing. But it was fun and the family is so happy. I can't wait to see what the future holds for this little one.
I have been feeling
OK. The nausea has begun, in the late evening this time though. And I have a feeling that it will only get worse. I also have had a little cramping. I remember them with Henry early on but I think it may be a tad worse because I was just pregnant seven months ago. My body probably is like "what are you doing to me!!". But besides that just the normal being tired a little more than usual. And moody!! I mean when I get pregnant Kyle should just ignore me 45% of the time. I can be so mean:( Poor Kyle. Then right after I am ,I realize I was mean and then beg for forgiveness. He is the sweetest because he always says "It's fine, your pregnant, and I still love you", by now he is a pro. Well that's all for now. My Dr. appointment is the 16Th, next Thursday. They are going to do a ultrasound to make sure everything is fine. So until then all I can do is pray and take care of myself.


katy said...

Congratulations Jennifer! It is too funny that we have seen each other in resteraunts twice in the last month! I'll be praying for your little peanut!